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New Bearhawk-5 Tailwheels

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  • New Bearhawk-5 Tailwheels

    Hi Everyone,

    I have had some inquiries regarding the Bearhawk Tailwheel being designed for aircraft with gross weight of up to 2500 Lbs. This was a concern for the folks building the Bearhawk 5 with a gross weight of 3000 Lbs.

    I got with Bob Barrows and he agreed we needed a modified version of our Tailwheel to accommodate these heavier gross weights. So Bob put pencil to paper and a few weeks later, came up with some modifications that I could incorporate into the Bearhawk Tailwheel, which will increase the strength to accommodate aircraft up to 3000 Lbs. gross weight.

    We still offer the standard Tailwheels for everyone else, but we have added the new heavy duty Bearhawk-5 Tailwheels to our line-up.

    These new Bearhawk-5 Tailwheels will are slightly heavier than the standard Bearhawk Tailwheels. For now they only come with the round spring mount available.

    I have updated the website to include these new Tailwheels.


    Eric Newton
    Bearhawk Tailwheels LLC
    Rugged Tailwheels for your experimental aircraft. Bearhawk Tailwheels LLC manufactures the original Bearhawk Tailwheel for bush flying.

    Eric Newton - Long Beach, MS
    Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder's Manuals