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Wing Chord and CG questions

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  • jaredyates
    commented on 's reply
    It's no problem for me to move it over there if you prefer, just let me know.

  • Greg L
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks I understand. Would it perhaps be better if it appeared in the LSA Scratchbuild area instead of Quickbuild? Not sure so that's why I double posted it.

  • Greg L
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks a lot for responding Gerhard, makes sense. A picture is worth a thou as they say.

  • jaredyates
    Welcome Greg, I deleted the duplicate post in the scratch build area, it gets too confusing to have the same discussion in two places.

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  • Gerhard Rieger
    Hi. The mylar is the actual rib length, the trailing edge will make up the balance, I add a photo of my aileron on the model 4A C5E31299-E141-4D2A-A32A-B51B049BE0E6.png

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  • Greg L
    started a topic Wing Chord and CG questions

    Wing Chord and CG questions

    I have 2 questions I was hoping that someone could shed some light on please.

    QUESTION 1: I'm currently just studying my plan set in advance. The LSA has a published wing Chord of 60" however when measuring the Mylar template (Drawing #4) it comes up short. The Airfoil Trailing Edge of the template has a squared-off end followed by 2 lines that continue slightly past and sort of fade out. I suspect the nose skin around the nose ribs will add a miniscule amount, and the Trailing Edge piece will contribute to length as well. (If I'm understanding this correctly) Is the template just indicating the rib length and not representing the final Chord length and is the Chord length indeed 60"?

    QUESTION 2: In the Bearhawk LSA book pgs.36 & 37 it says "Datums: wing L.E., lower longeron" and C.G. Range: 18-----31% = 10.8"-----18.6"
    So if I'm understanding this correctly The C.G. Range is 18-31% of Wing Chord (10.8"-18.6" Aft of Leading edge) and that also corresponds with points on the Lower Longeron when plumb bobbed with aircraft in Level Flight position? It sounds straight forward and I may be overthinking it but I just want to have a crystal clear understanding of this.

    Thanks for reading this and taking time to answer, much appreciated,