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Losing transponder antennas

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  • Losing transponder antennas

    I recently acquired a C-172-B to fly as BH-535 comes into being. I am having transponder issues which I think I have tracked to the antenna- it keeps breaking off.
    The last one I put on broke off before flight and I finally figured out that it was "the dog ate it". Or just chewed it off the airframe. So, any ideas on how to guard the transponder antenna from dog damage? I decided to order and install a blade type antenna. Only more expensive if you don't have to buy the regular variety in bulk. I will post if my pups eat the fin off.

  • #2
    maybe don't put peanut butter on the antenna? That's really a new one for me. I think there are things you can spray on things to make them taste bad so dogs won't chew on them. Probably available at any pet supply store. Good luck. Or you could try painting "No Bite" like the "No Step" placards, just depends on how well your dog reads. Sorry, I know it sucks having to buy a replacement antenna but it is funny.
    Rollie VanDorn
    Findlay, OH
    Patrol Quick Build


    • #3
      The dog ate it??? What kind of dog? What's he going to do with a covered aircraft? I'm picturing the Supercub, that was mauled by the bear, covered with duct tape!
      coat the antenna with honey and dust it real good with cayenne pepper!



      • #4
        They are a pair of Blue Heeler/Australian Shepard mix pups. I think the fin type antenna is going to work.


        • #5
          You have pups out of two of the busiest dog breeds in the world. Your lucky you still have tires on that plane. LOL I use to raise heelers.

