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Step One (for me). Getting the resource material, manuals, etc.

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  • Step One (for me). Getting the resource material, manuals, etc.

    So I'm trying to make my mind up as to how to proceed. Realistically, I'm will be at least a partial plans builder. I believe that investigating the build process via these resources will give me a good indication as to what I can fabricate on my own and what I need to purchase from Mark. I know this will greatly increase my build time and I'm hoping to save 1/3 of the quick build kit costs on either a LSA or a Patrol. Some feedback on cost savings would be appreciated by those who have chosen this route.

    Initially, my thoughts are to buy the quick build wings and scratch build the fuselage. I have a couple of aces in the hole though. First, I have a good friend who is a very accomplished TiG welder. He can do it all but specialized in Aluminum, primarily fuel tanks. Jigging up a fuselage, tacking and welding it up will not be an issue. Second, the local high school auto body paint and repair shop would be willing to paint the plane as long as I bought the materials.

    I've never built a plane before but have the mechanical aptitude to figure things out and I'm willing to ask questions and seek out advice/help.

    First up are Eric Newton's Builder's Manuals. All three are $100. Here are the bullet points:
    These manuals have been reviewed, audited and approved by designer Bob Barrows!

    The Bearhawk Builder Manuals contain:
    • Detailed, numbered instructions on building every part of your Bearhawk.
    • These manuals are laid out in a logical step-by-step fashion, that guides you through every step with simple, easy to understand instructions.
    • Hundreds of full color photos, showing every step of the construction process in vivid detail.
    • Complete tool lists of the tools needed to build the Bearhawk.
    • Reference articles on riveting, welding, metal handling, and other "must-know" skills.
    • Take the CD to any Office Supply store and have it printed and bound or do it yourself at home.
    • Take it to the shop with you so you can reference the manual while building.
    • Sign and Date the bottom of each section as you complete it and the manual becomes your builder's log.
    This seems complete and concise to me. So am I to understand that this is simply for the construction process for the parts involved and not the construction of the plane itself? The reason I ask is because I've heard mentioned many times that the manual and plans provided with the kits are not a step by step how to on assembling the plane.

    Next is Russ Erb's reference CD. $30. 3500 construction photos of how he built his bearhawk. All of this is really making me feel better about the project!!

    Jared Yates has the Kit Builder Manual for $50 and the Bear Tracks Newsletter for $99 plus current subscription.

    Looks like Wicks supplies a good hardware kit.

    AC 43.13 1B/2B Copyright 2009. $27.50. Would need this no matter what.

    I guess the last thing I have to say is that so far, I've yet to find a more complete, cross supporting building community. There are kits out there with no plans options and vice versa. And there are some kits with components available. But nothing what is available here. A plans builder can get all the support he needs and help with anything that he doesn't want to build, including sourcing parts from Mark. Maybe Zenith rivals this type of support, I can't think of anyone else. But the Zenith planes just don't perform like the Bearhawks.

    Finally, I realize that everyone says buy the quick build but I don't think it's going to be an option for me. I'm going to have to spread part of the cost out over time. I haven't even spoke about engines but there's another place where I'll have to rebuild under the watchful eye of the A&P's of my EAA group.

    $180 for Builder's Manuals, Russ Erb's reference CD and the Kit Builder Manual. That's be a lot of material to peruse and help me make some decisions. I think it's a small investment to count the cost and see if I think I can manage the build. Lot's cheaper than buying some parts or components and then deciding building is not for me.

    If I've left anything out or haven't considered something (which I'm sure is true), please feel free to comment. Thanks to all in advance.

  • #2
    Originally posted by libertyman777 View Post
    S. So am I to understand that this is simply for the construction process for the parts involved and not the construction of the plane itself?
    HI Paul,

    Welcome to Bearhawk builder group. I have built a few different designs including Vans RV-6, and a Vision all fiberglass airplane. I also scratch-built a Bearhawk 4-place and a Patrol (from Kit) and have to agree with you that this is one of the best I've seen in regards to support and resources.

    I think I can answer your question about the Builder's manuals that I wrote. The answer is yes, it covers the actual construction of the plane itself. In fact my manuals follow the actual construction of my 4-place Bearhawk, so yes they do cover the building of each part and they also cover the final assembly, rigging and preparation of the airplane for final inspection and first flight.

    In adddition, my website: covers first flights, test flight program and a few cross country flights as well.

    Welcome to the group, you are in good company. You are starting off by doing a ton of research. That is exactly what you should be doing. Keep up the good work and make sure you ask lots of questions along the way.

    Eric Newton
    Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder Manuals
    Rugged Tailwheels for your experimental aircraft. Bearhawk Tailwheels LLC manufactures the original Bearhawk Tailwheel for bush flying.
    Eric Newton - Long Beach, MS
    Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder's Manuals


    • #3
      Originally posted by Enewton57 View Post

      HI Paul,

      Welcome to Bearhawk builder group. I have built a few different designs including Vans RV-6, and a Vision all fiberglass airplane. I also scratch-built a Bearhawk 4-place and a Patrol (from Kit) and have to agree with you that this is one of the best I've seen in regards to support and resources.

      I think I can answer your question about the Builder's manuals that I wrote. The answer is yes, it covers the actual construction of the plane itself. In fact my manuals follow the actual construction of my 4-place Bearhawk, so yes they do cover the building of each part and they also cover the final assembly, rigging and preparation of the airplane for final inspection and first flight.

      In adddition, my website: covers first flights, test flight program and a few cross country flights as well.

      Welcome to the group, you are in good company. You are starting off by doing a ton of research. That is exactly what you should be doing. Keep up the good work and make sure you ask lots of questions along the way.

      Eric Newton
      Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder Manuals
      Mr. Newton thanks so much for the information and support. I've bounced around several designs but am always drawn back to the Bearhawks, specifically the LSA and the Patrol. But after reading your article on flying Mr. Barrows plane, I'm sold on the LSA.

      Based on replies I've read elsewhere, there are lots of parts that I'll need to buy, simply because I don't have access to machining equipment or items that are few in number that it just doesn't make sense to fabricate. And after reading the manuals, I may decide to bite the bullet and buy the quick build kit. Either way, the resource material will be good to have.

      Paul Oswalt


      • #4
        about a thousand videos from desert bearhawk

        lots of video from b-spot
        Experimental airplane scratch build Bearhawk 4 place. Vacuum forming wing skin leading edge. Build Log:


        I'm done with finish welding my fuselage and here's the outcome. I mention the settings I used for the TIG torch and other items that made it work, This vide...

        lots of individual subject material videos
        This video takes you through the basic theory of bending a piece of Aircraft Aluminum over ninety degrees. This presentation is a "Digital Project" in the PI...

        lots of video on eaa webinar (there will be a video on 11/23 on learning solidworks)
        Dr. Joe Maj, AirVenture volunteer in the Gas welding workshops and SportAir Workshop instructor shows us the top choices for filler rod for gas welding 4130, and the application for each one.

        ken f

        There was a series in the kitplane magazine about building a bearhawk lsa

        Last edited by sjt; 11-22-2021, 08:16 AM.
        Austin Tx


        • #5
          Originally posted by sjt View Post
          about a thousand videos from desert bearhawk

          lots of video from b-spot



          lots of individual subject material videos

          lots of video on eaa webinar
 (there will be a video on 11/23 on learning solidworks)
          Dr. Joe Maj, AirVenture volunteer in the Gas welding workshops and SportAir Workshop instructor shows us the top choices for filler rod for gas welding 4130, and the application for each one.

          ken f

          There was a series in the kitplane magazine about building a bearhawk lsa

          Thanks Stan! A couple I had seen before but most are new.



          • #6
            Hi Paul. I'm close to plopping down a few paychecks on a qb kit myself. But I'm pretty sure based on the interactions I've had that if you need part(s) created, there are ample geniuses in this group who would whip up what you need. I fully agree with you that this is the best group of builders going.
            Regards, Brian

