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Aileron/Flap hinge installation

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  • Aileron/Flap hinge installation

    Curious about when others have installed their wing side control surface hinge fittings. I would like to do it before loading the rear spars into the assembly jig. Cannot find a reason to not do it. I have no adjustment available in waterline on the wing side because the fittings must bolt through the center of the rear spar capstrips. I do in buttock line as they can be shifted inbd/outbd. On the control surface side I have waterline and buttock line adjustment available. Installing the wing side hinge fittings on the rear spars while on the work bench would make things a lot easier.
    Last edited by geraldmorrissey; 10-12-2024, 02:06 AM.

  • #2
    On my vintage 2006 4-place A model quick build kit, the hinge fittings were installed by the factory. They bolt through upsized holes in the spar cap strips that are located in what would otherwise be rivet locations. I’ve had to remove and reinstall them a few times already to get clearance for other assembly tasks. And I’m sure I will need to remove them again to set rivets joining the top skin to the rear spar when I close the wings.
    So, based on my limited knowledge, and with the caveat that I’m building a 4A and not a Patrol, I don’t see a downside to installing the fittings now, but I wouldn’t bother with locking hardware yet.

