How about another one? Trying to learn more video editing tricks. Going for shorter!!!!
Sharing my practice session for backcountry runway evaluation prior to landing. For this, I try to use Low Level, Energy Management Turns.
These are basically crop duster turns to get back to evaluate the runway easily, in a minimal area like a canyon, and not burn a lot of time so you can make a good evaluation of runway conditions.
This is practice in a wide open area, so that when the distractions of rocks, trees, and steep canyon walls are present, my aging mental processor doesn't bog down. That isn't hard for a fellow born and raised in Louisiana, where the high ground is the top of the ant hills!!!
This is juggling a lot of balls, kinda close to the ground. A lot of energy management turns were practiced at safer and higher altitudes before starting to attempt this in the low altitude, runway environment.
I would only feel safe attempting this manuever in a cub-like plane or my Bearhawk that I have started to get the FEEL for. I personally wouldn't attempt to do this in a C-172 or other certified airplane. The Bearhawk is particularly suited to this type of manuevering with some practice.
Fly Safe!
Sharing my practice session for backcountry runway evaluation prior to landing. For this, I try to use Low Level, Energy Management Turns.
These are basically crop duster turns to get back to evaluate the runway easily, in a minimal area like a canyon, and not burn a lot of time so you can make a good evaluation of runway conditions.
This is practice in a wide open area, so that when the distractions of rocks, trees, and steep canyon walls are present, my aging mental processor doesn't bog down. That isn't hard for a fellow born and raised in Louisiana, where the high ground is the top of the ant hills!!!
This is juggling a lot of balls, kinda close to the ground. A lot of energy management turns were practiced at safer and higher altitudes before starting to attempt this in the low altitude, runway environment.
I would only feel safe attempting this manuever in a cub-like plane or my Bearhawk that I have started to get the FEEL for. I personally wouldn't attempt to do this in a C-172 or other certified airplane. The Bearhawk is particularly suited to this type of manuevering with some practice.
Fly Safe!