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Model 5 amphib height?

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  • Model 5 amphib height?

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to this group and am planning to start building a model 5 kit in the next couple years. My current project is building the hanger that I'll be building the bearhawk in. Long term I'd like to put it on amphib gear, despite the performance/weight penalty, as there just isn't enough straight floats infrastructure in my area anymore. I've been trying to find a number for how high my hanger door needs to be to have it fit on amphibs. From what I've found a 185 on Wip 3000s is 12'9". My walls are currently 13'9". But I'm still in a position to add some hight upto 14'. I'd hate to do it without good reason but it would also really suck to find out I'm an inch short.

    I'd sure appreciate any insight anyone can give me.



  • #2
    I am of no help with the height of Amphibs, but a quick review of my plans shows a total height of roughly 82" from the top of the vertical stab/rudder to the centerline of the landing gear attach bolts for the Model 5.

    Hope this helps,

    Last edited by Redneckmech; 04-03-2023, 08:22 AM.
    Bill Duncan
    Troy, Idaho
    Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
    N53BD - reserved


    • #3
      Thanks Bill, that does indeed help, I can get a height from the floor to the top of the float struts easily enough then just add it up.

      Thanks again



      • #4
        If your numbers are correct and you're asking about 13,9" or 14'.... then 14' all day long. 185/206 Amphib is tall, as most are. But consider you may want to life that beast up for float install or removal, servicing or repairs. Every inch matters. :)


        • #5
          That's a very good point indeed. 14 feet it is then. Would still like to get an actual # if there is one to be found though.

