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New member central Ohio

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  • New member central Ohio

    Thank you for accepting me to group. I am thinking of building the LSA Bearhawk as my next project. I would be considering using the 3.0L Corvair conversion as we have been flying our Pietenpol with a Corvair since 2006. I would love to meet up and check out a bBearhawk LSA if there are any around ohio.
    Shad Bell

  • #2
    Shad, welcome to the group. I've been following your work on the Piet as you post updates on the Flycorvair FB group. The builder map on this site (look at the tab above) shows an LSA builder named John Kitz in Lancaster, OH. If you go to the builder map, it provides his contact info. I will be putting a 3.3L Corvair on my Bearhawk LSA but am not very far along on my project yet. If you look under the thread named DavzLSA progress, you'll find lots of info about Dave Swann's LSA project that is using a 3.0 Corvair. WW recently posted pictures of Dave's project on the Flycorvair FB group so you probably already saw those. I'm located in Kansas.


    • #3
      Thank you Dave. I am not on the Facebook platform anymore so I don’t keep quite as “up to date”. I look forward to learning more about this design. Just by chance one day 4-5 years ago I just happened to run into Bob Barrows on my way into town on my lunch break. He was in the LSA and just out tooling around the country. I took him to lunch at the diner in town and talked Continentals. I just recently got interested in the Bearhawk LSA. It really seems to be an airplane worth building. The other projects I have (Cassutt, Jungster 1) are cool, but only single seaters. After years of buildng and 10’s of thousands of dollars, I’d like to be able to share the flying experience.
      Last edited by Shad Bell; 03-26-2021, 04:13 PM.


      • #4
        I will have to look John Up. Im only a 30 min flight away from Lancaster. I also have a friend who has a Vagabond based there.


        • #5
          Shad, I will have an LSA delivered first part of May, I am in the Akron area. Wouldn't give any real insight into a current build, but you would be more than welcome to come and see what a freshly delivered QB kit would look like.
          LSA QB started 2/6/2022, My Build Log, N67BH reserved.

