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If you're bored, or if it's on the way, stop by at SC72! (Greenville-Spartanburg, SC)

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  • If you're bored, or if it's on the way, stop by at SC72! (Greenville-Spartanburg, SC)

    While, and I guess during and after. I'm located in an airpark, SC72, just under the edge of the KGSP airspace, more notably Triple Tree Aerodrome. If anyone "needs" an excuse to fly and wants to chat about building tips/experience over some good coffee or espresso, feel free to stop by my place; I'm in line for a Model 5, and a set of tie downs are available!

    Paved runway, with either side being a soft field runway if you're feeling frisky.
    Please use caution on the side of the runway that comes up against highway 101 - there are some marked powerlines.
    Attached is the airpark guidance and update for the runway thresholds.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by triumphantduke; 11-29-2021, 03:13 PM.

  • #2
    WOW Very nice! How is that hangar and door project going?
    Stephen B. Murphey
    Bearhawk LSA
    Building #L-089


    • triumphantduke
      triumphantduke commented
      Editing a comment
      nearly done! tightening up the hangar door, and adding seals to the garage doors turned into what looks like a 5-6% reduction in electricity (for the heat pump). Next up is some wiring in the attic, then I can insulate over that. I'm hoping that the attic insulation will be a more noticeable difference in the climate control costs. Right now its not too bad - the mini split per sq ft of space is now just a little less energy than the house's - which maybe says something about the house insulation lol.
      Then.... engine shopping! If it can take 6months - 1 year then I think I should try to figure out what to get and place an order around March-July 2022...

      Correction for those interested in mini splits with no insulation yet: sqft considered, home heat pump to mini split is a 2:3 ratio
      Last edited by triumphantduke; 12-01-2021, 08:19 AM.

  • #3
    Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are making some great progress. Be sure to keep us posted on the progress.
    Stephen B. Murphey
    Bearhawk LSA
    Building #L-089


    • #4

      Triple Tree Aerodrome Chili Fly In Feb 5, 2022
      Looks to be a good excuse for anyone to fly!

