Hello from Brazil. I've been traveling a lot lately so have only been able to fly about 10 hours on PR-ZJO. I'm back in town for a few weeks so tweaking some things that I've found (fixed a couple oil leaks, installed new tailwheel from Eric, adjusting seatbelts, etc). One thing that has me stumped is that the airplane always sits with the right wing much lower than the left (8 to 10 inches at the wing tip). After visiting with Mark about leveling the airplane, everything seems to be correct including wing dihedral, etc. The issue is that as soon as I "un-level" it, she drops back with the right wing down significantly. The adjustment on the shock strut rod end have the same threads showing. Today I measured how much the cylinders are out of the strut. When the airplane is sitting on level ground, the right cylinder is extended 1.875" while the left is only extended 1.25". This results in the right main having a much wider stance and therefore putting the airplane on an angle. Before I start adjusting the threaded rod end bearings, I wanted to check if anyone has seen this before and what else could be causing the cylinders to be that different.