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No announcement yet. Stuff Delivered to Oshkosh, order before Wednesday

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  • Stuff Delivered to Oshkosh, order before Wednesday

    I'll be driving to Oshkosh this year, and will be packing the car on the evening of Wednesday, 7-15. If anyone would like to have any of the hats, shirts, etc that we sell at, I can bring them along to eliminate the shipping cost, to allow for trying on different sizes, or to just have a chance to evaluate the quality in person. Even if you think you'd like to see something but aren't sure that you'd like to buy it, please let me know so that I can bring it with no obligation. I'll have plenty of room to take things back home too! Also, I think I've fixed a persistent and frustrating problem with the shopping cart software, so it should be working again for orders. For Oshkosh deliveries, there is a "pick up in person" shipping option. To pay in person, or if you have extra items for trying on, select the "personal check" payment method. I'll be able to accept cash, check, and swipe cards for payment in person, and I'll be there from mid-day Monday through mid-day Wednesday if all goes well.
    Last edited by jaredyates; 07-12-2015, 10:17 AM.

  • #2
    Do you have the fly it like you stol it and the simple bearhawk logo t shirt in 3x or 4x?


    • #3
      I may have some 3x, I'll bring what I have. After Oshkosh I'll be restocking the red Bearhawk logo and blue "I've got plans" shirts. I'll be able to get custom sizes and colors with that order, and if there is enough interest, maybe we'll start an "I've got plans" shirt for the Patrol.
      Last edited by jaredyates; 07-14-2015, 02:49 PM.

