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P283 Flies

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  • P283 Flies

    First flight yesterday of Patrol N101EP. 1/2 hour of phase 1 completed. Flew great, no trim issues. Even a nice smooth first landing. CHTs high at first but settled down after a few minutes but with low power setting.
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  • #2
    Congrats from Australia.
    that is a great milestone under your belt. I like the paint scheme too.
    regards Peter


    • #3
      Congratulations! I love these first flight posts....


      • #4
        A big Congrats Ed. Welcome to the "now flying club"! Feels great doesn't it!!! Absolutely LOVE your color choices. D.


        • #5
          Congratulations! Now, begin enjoying the fruits of all that labor!



          • #6
            Steve Nicholson
            Lafayette, LA

            4 Place Scratch build #1377 in progress (Wings)


            • #7
              Ed. I see you got it done in just 3 years. Great Job! Did you use an O-360? Can you give us a photo of your instrument panel?
              Brooks Cone
              Southeast Michigan
              Patrol #303, Kit build


              • #8
                Yes, it is an O-360 built by Bob Barrows. Has EFII injection and ignition. Here is a picture of the panel and another better picture of the airplane sitting in the sunshine. The two instruments on the right side of the panel are the EFII programer and the O2 sensor/mixture readout. Have 1.7 air hrs now and still working on getting it to run a little cooler. Can't use very high power settings for long without it going over 400 on the CHTs. Good news is it still flies great at around 2150-2200 RPMs, Fixed pitch prop and MP about 17" at that RPM. Temps run 370-380 at that power.
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                • #9
                  ​ ​ Beautiful plane, Ed! I, too am flying a Bob Barrows O-360. I've fitted a C/S prop, so I'm able to run 'squared' at those RPM's. I also saw high CHT's at everything except nearly idle. I also was concerned about high oil temps. I'm convinced the issue is due to minimal air exit area, compared to the inlet. I didn't install a cooling lip on the lower cowl, at first, but added one after a couple hours. I can't quote numbers, but the lip made a huge difference! CHT's are 365 or lower and oil temps have settled around 205. I was considering adding cowl louvers (and even bought a pair) to help oil temps, but they moderated as the engine broke in. I've attached a couple of pics of my cooling lip. When I've finished all The fairings, I'll paint the pieces as a batch. In the meantime, I'm a slacker, with bare aluminum stuff in various spots. My attitude now, is to fly it more and work on it less.
                  By the way, my Barrows engine runs like a digital clock! Smooth, powerful and no leaks!



                  • Ed.Meyer
                    Ed.Meyer commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Thanks for the comments. The lip is next. Glad to hear that step was effective for you. Trying to figure out the best way to do it. Wish I could open the pics you posted. I see that they are there but when I move pointer to it, it does not behave as a link to open. Oil temp is running steady at 175 so no problem there. Can you try the pics again?

                • #10
                  Oil temp at 175, huh? Sigh... I wish! And I was so proud of my oil cooler mount.

                  I used a strip of .040" 6061 sheet. Bent that strip about 40 degrees, lengthwise. A little work with a stretcher had the piece matching the lower cowl nicely. I then attached the newly formed lip with screws, just in case it needed to be modified.
                  I'll try another attachment. If this doesn't work, PM me your email address and I'll send the pics.


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                  • Ed.Meyer
                    Ed.Meyer commented
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                    Worked this time. Thank you much.I don't have a metal stretcher so am thinking about fabricating out of fiberglass...

                • #11
                  Having flown for a lot of hours and yrs without all this digital information available, having it now can be a bit intimidating at times. The Dynon offers many ways to lean your engine—to CHT’s, EGT’s and fuel burn. I have found that leaning to highest CHT is mandatory for me and my engine. For some reason and I’ve heard it before my #2 is hotter by 18 degrees from the #1 and #”s 3 & 4 are cooler by 30 degree’s. It all depends on how aggressive I lean. Bill and Ed, I’m curious to know about your temp spread between all cyl’s and what your fuel burn is. To stay around 400 on the #2 cyl, I have to maintain a fuel burn of about 10.6 at 75% power, which is around 24/24. FYI, oil temps run around 190 on a cool day. Bill I like your attitude—work less, fly more. Just as soon as I get my mag back and finish the “work” of reinstalling it, I’ll fly more. ;-) PS-Some where there is a formula about the amount of incoming air vs outgoing air for engine cooling. Maybe somebody out there knows what that is?? Donna


                  • #12
                    I don't know fuel flow. Dynon says about 4.5 and I am sure that is not correct. Will need to calibrate it at some point but bigger fish to fry so far. I have #4 hottest followed by #3. I think the spread is about 10-15. Oil temp has been steady at 175 but I have only flown during cool mornings, 50ish OAT. Have not worked on trying to establish LOP operations yet. With EFII it makes things a bit different and I have thought that is something I need to explore more. With the fixed pitch prop and very low MP showing I am sure I am running very low power settings, something like 40-50%. Leads me to believe better cooling is needed even though I have not had (and don't want to have) exceedingly bad CHTs. Don't know where but seems I heard a formula of about 50% more outflow area than in. Nearly doubled outflow area to that before last flight and it made very little, if any, difference. Great discussion...


                    • #13
                      Some builders of Vans Aircraft have used a couple of piccolo tubes to sense the air pressure in the upper and lower parts of the cowling with each end connected to an airspeed indicator or manometer.
                      Brooks Cone
                      Southeast Michigan
                      Patrol #303, Kit build


                    • #14
                      I think I read in a Tony Bingelis book the recommended 140% exit air vs intake air. I definitely don't have that.
                      Donna, I'll take some pics of all the temps, next flight. Forecast looks like that might not happen for a few days, though. You're right about all the information. I find myself fixated on the engine numbers, wondering why is #3 cooler than #1 and wondering if oil temp has stabilized, etc..etc... My old plane had 1 cht and 1 egt. I wanted a full monitor system, in the Patrol, so I got one. Kinda like if we lived our lives, hooked up to a bp cuff, ekg and brain activity monitor... Might be scary! I'll get past that, I think.
                      Ed, are you running the full EFII system? I was thinking about your low MP at RPM and high CHT's. If you're running the full system, your fuel flow just might be right. I've seen as low as 6gph at low power, in flight, with a carburetor. With a full authority system, I wouldn't be surprised if 4.5 gph is right. Imagine that! I see 16 gph at takeoff power. I'd expect yours to be similar.



                      • #15
                        Yes it is the full dual EFII system handling ignition and injection. Two ECUs and left and right ignitions.

