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Oshkosh Speakers

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  • Oshkosh Speakers

    When I go to Oshkosh, my focus has been facing attending building classes, and seminars. This year I thought I would maybe try to focus on who is speaking rather than choose solely on a topic. So, Who have you found to be your favorite speakers in the past?
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build

  • #2
    You know, it wasn't until last year that I actually started attending any of the sessions. Before then, I was taking kids around the grounds. I only had really attended a speaking session once a number of years ago from Jessica Cox when she was presenting at KidVenture:

    I'm not one to sit and listen to stories very often, but perhaps I haven't been inspired by the right person. I've missed pretty much everything that's been presented by Budd Davisson, not for lack of wanted to attend. Maybe I'll give it a go if he's presenting anything this year. I'll bet Rod Machado would put on an enjoyable presentation as well.

    There are a few designer/engineers that I'd like to see this year, like Bob Kuykendall, who does a lot of cool stuff with sailplane design and composites, and another engineer that goes by "Billski" on the HBA forums (I'll figure out his real name when I'm not trying to think of it). Hopefully I'll get to see them this year.

    Christopher Owens
    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


    • jaredyates
      jaredyates commented
      Editing a comment
      Yes, I saw her at the museum one year and she is first class!

  • #3
    It is so hard to find the good ones, isn't it? So many are really just trying to sell you something, even though they aren't supposed to. And for technically-oriented forums, the value can depend on the speaker's ability to deflect "questions" from that one audience guy who is really just there so he can tell his story and show how smart he is by asking questions that aren't really beneficial to anyone else.
    I've never been disappointed by Greg Feith, see if he is on the list this year. If you like Mike Busch's ideas, you'll probably like his forums. If you go to a good one, tell us and the EAA. If you go to a bad one, don't be shy about leaving. The opportunity cost is very high at Airventure. Rod Machado is fantastic, and if Ralph Hood is still around, he is hilarious and informative.


    • #4
      I'm planning on doing lots of workshops and seminars. Some of them sound like they might turn out to be a live infomercial. If they are, I'll just get up and walk out. I don't have time or patience for that.
      Too bad you can't search the schedule by instructor or location.

