I'm looking for someone who has access to a Hartzell prop with 80 inch F8477-4 blades. These are the blades that Hartzell has in their application chart for a 360-powered Bearhawk, so if you got a Hartzell prop for a 4-cylinder engine through Mark, then this is likely what you have. My goal is to be able to have you take a few simple measurements of the chord along the blade span, so it doesn't matter if the prop is installed on an airplane or not, as long as you can get to at least one blade. In fact, you could probably even get the measurements done on someone else's prop if you could distract them with a pack of Oreos for about 15 minutes. None of my neighbors have one, I've already looked. The measurements will help contribute to an upcoming Beartracks series about performance as it relates to engine and prop choices, so I'd propose that it's for a good cause!
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Anyone Using Hartzell F8477-4 Blades?