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...and yet so far... KKNB

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  • ...and yet so far... KKNB

    I'm from NH, but I'm sitting here in Penguitch, UT catching up on bearhawk posts and see one on field repair and a Bearhawk Fly-in in Kanab. Hmmm... Kanab, that sounds familiar from maps I've been looking at. Yup, on Sat, I drove from LAS to Penguitch and have spent that past 3 days hiking Bryce and Powell Point. No doubt I saw Lynn's post back in April and whined that I'll never be able to get to it from NH. ...and I ended up so close! Not likely I could have made it anyway because I have the family and in-laws with me. Maybe next year. Working on up grading my panel for IFR so that a cross country flight is less subject to weather. I also need to up grade the 6.00x6 tires before flying 6JC out west. Cheers! Ty

  • #2
    Have a great time Tyson. I thought I might see you at Plymouth yesterday for the fall get together, good time, 65 planes showed up including a Curtiss Robin and Beach18. Lots of Supercubs but only one Bearhawk. Remember the Wentworth bash next weekend. You're missing all the fall color!, best in years.


    • #3
      I'm hoping to make it to WAD, but I still need to figure out what time to arrive so as to not find everyone on a fly-out when I arrive. I'm not missing much color because the aspen is on full bloom up here!


      • #4
        UT color! :-)


        • #5
          Hmmm... That last post was supposed to have a picture, but I don't see it.


          • #6
            UT color, take 2 [IMG]/filedata/fetch?filedataid=65[/IMG]


            • #7


              • #8
                Tapatalk pro/4 seems to upload photos while the free version does not.

