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Fibreglass Horner style wing tips

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  • Fibreglass Horner style wing tips

    Has anyone started producing fibreglass versions of these wingtips?

    mike Silvernagle is producing a carbon fiber version

    i would like to use an Archer style VOR wingtip antennae which is not possible with Carbon Fibre

    thanks DDD

  • #2
    There is one planned but not at all sure how fast it will happen. The molds are in South Africa made by Wayne Giles. If any of you are going that way please bring them back for me. Mark


    • #3
      Mark are you going to be producing the wingtips when you get the molds??


      • #4
        The idea is to make a set and test them on a plane that has been flying. With the only change being the wingtips. If they are beneficial - then yes. We will make them and offer them for sale. Mark


        • #5
          I’m really eager to find out what the difference will be, when tested according to your plan Mark. More wing span almost always improves heavy, hot, high climb performance, and more area reduces wing loading, so it should help the lower speed range (at the expense of slightly higher bending moment and a harder ride in bumps). Couple that with the drag-reducing effect of the Horner tip and it should be a winner. But you just never know until you test.

          I’m willing to hazard a guess that all other things being equal, the Horner tip yields 1-2 mph reduction of stall speed, (hard to measure, I know) has no effect on cruise speed, and yields 5% better climb rate at gross weight at 7500’. I look forward to hearing the results of any tests.

