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Autopilot install

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  • Autopilot install

    I’m designing in the servo mounts for a Garmin autopilot. Does anyone know in degrees or distance how far the stick deflection is from centered for the roll axis on a Patrol?

  • #2
    spinningwrench have you found a good solution for installing the Garrmin AP servos. If you could post some photos that would be great.
    Bearhawk "XHawk" Patrol, O-360, Trailblazer 80", tubeless 26" Goodyears, Stewart Systems. See XHawk Build Log.


    • #3
      Originally posted by spinningwrench View Post
      I’m designing in the servo mounts for a Garmin autopilot. Does anyone know in degrees or distance how far the stick deflection is from centered for the roll axis on a Patrol?
      I have been wondering the same thing. From some previous discussions on the 4 place and the extent of the elevator travel, I am expecting that it is full side to side. Are you planning on roll servo under seat or in wing?
      John Snapp (Started build in Denver, CO) Now KAWO -Arlington Washington Bearhawk Patrol - Plans #255 Scratch built wing and Quickbuild Fuselage as of 11/2021. Working on skinning the left wing! -Ribs : DONE -Spars: DONE, Left wing assembly's: DONE., Top skins : DONE YouTube Videos on my building of patrol :


      • #4
        Bob told me the stick in the Patrol moves 6” either side of center in the roll axis. Mounting the servo for the roll axis under the seat works out well,
        Last edited by spinningwrench; 01-31-2022, 03:18 AM.


        • #5
          That's useful information. I was actually wondering where the primary end stops are for the aileron system. Are they in the wing or is the stick supposed to be limited by the floor boards first?

          Knowing this before rigging everything would help making sure the servo guard does not inadvertently become the end stop.

          Bearhawk "XHawk" Patrol, O-360, Trailblazer 80", tubeless 26" Goodyears, Stewart Systems. See XHawk Build Log.


          • Bcone1381
            Bcone1381 commented
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            I recall seeing that Bob's Patrol has aileron stops at the stick. He pop riveted a tab on each side of the floor to limit L/R travel of the stick. When we limit the travel at the stick like that we don't load up cable tension when the bellcrank hits the stop.

          • spinningwrench
            spinningwrench commented
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            I will probably add some floorboard tabs after I have everything rigged and wings hooked up. I made a custom throw arm on the servo that gave me slightly over 6” of stick travel in either direction before hitting the servo guard stop limit.