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venting tanks to opposite side

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  • venting tanks to opposite side

    I am picking up a model A Bearhawk build started by my father.
    He's a fan of using non-vented fuel tank caps and running vent lines to the opposite wing so as not to spill when banking

    So he made the tanks with vent fittings but didn't get as far as deciding how to route the vent lines

    Has anyone else set up their vents like this?
    If so where did you route the lines?

  • #2
    I've seen a few builders install a cross vent between the main tanks. Not exactly the same, but it involves routing vent lines in a similar manner. I essentially copied what alaskabearhawk did for my cross vent, his system is well documented on his kitlog site and may give you some ideas.


    • #3
      Originally posted by RatherBFlying View Post
      I've seen a few builders install a cross vent between the main tanks. Not exactly the same, but it involves routing vent lines in a similar manner. I essentially copied what alaskabearhawk did for my cross vent, his system is well documented on his kitlog site and may give you some ideas.
      That does help.
      I am about ready to rivet on the main wing skins but had order of operations questions.
      I think it will be helpful to delay riveting the underside leading edge skins to maintain access to that space between the leading edge and the main spar.


      • #4
        IMG_4868.jpgIMG_4869.jpgIMG_4794.jpg IMG_4793.jpg IMG_4720.jpg​I wanted to vent both mains to my header tank. A local welder put npt ports on the sides of the mains close to the filler port. I then indexed the fitting and fitted a 1/4 inch tube that was bent so that it would be very close to the top of the tank next to the filler cap. I then ran a line from the port close to the top of the wing out to the wing root. I put a T in the line to allow a line to pass through the cabin to a similar vent line in the other wing and tank. The other part of the T connects to a short line that is connected to a firewall pass through T and check valve and vent fitting in the bottom of the wing. The other end of the T will connect to the vent line from the header tank. The venting ideas all came from others on the forum. An example of what a rich resource this forum has been for me and others.
        QB Companion C-9


        • #5
          I would like to know what changes to the tank design are required for anyone using a fuel injection system. The standard tank ports include one for draining, two for fuel flow, and two for fuel level.

          Does a fuel injection system require a return port ? and if so is the port placed at the top of the tank?

          I am making up my tanks as indicated in manual. I was just wondering whether adding a plugged up port for a mythical -in my case- fuel injector would be a good idea.
          Austin Tx


          • Bcone1381
            Bcone1381 commented
            Editing a comment
            It depends on the type of FI system that is installed. A Bendix RSA FI system (also Airflow Performance) commonly used on lycoming certifcate aircaft has no return fuel so tanks are the same as for a carburated engine. Continental FI or electronic FI return fuel to a tank.