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CAD Files for various parts

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  • #16
    I have the Yahoo Files in a zipped format for emailing. It's 10MB but should be able to email without issues if anyone would like a copy.
    John, Naples FL
    Bearhawk 4-Place Plans #1316
    Patrol Plans #006
    Experience is something you get, right after you need it.


    • #17
      I have the Yahoo User Group Files in Zipped format. The entire list is too large to post. I should be able to email it as it's 10MB.

      The CAD files are attached here.
      And to be clear, these are the DXF and DWG files for the 4-Place Bearhawk
      Last edited by Jflyer; 05-01-2014, 02:38 PM.
      John, Naples FL
      Bearhawk 4-Place Plans #1316
      Patrol Plans #006
      Experience is something you get, right after you need it.


      • #18
        Thank you for sharing these! I was looking for something like that. I just got my plans, and have access to a router.


        • kestrel
          kestrel commented
          Editing a comment
          Be sure to check which 4 place model those files are for. If you just got your plans, they will be for the 4 Place Bravo model. The files may before the original 4 place. The wings are the main difference, including a different airfoil.

      • #19
        Thank you for pointing that out. Do you know if someone created digital drawings for the 4 place model b?


        • #20
          I'm looking for CAD files for 4 Place Bravo model as well. Do these exist anywhere?


          • #21
            Do be careful using these files. They are not sanctioned by Bob, as far as I know. Do you know who created the files and do you trust their work? Did a seperate person check the files for accuracy and do you trust them? Any legal issues? I always pass on this stuff and revert to my manual layout tools. Just my .02.
            Patrol #30

