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Does anyone have a better idea on curved bend?

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  • Does anyone have a better idea on curved bend?

    I used a 3 inch pipe to impart something of a curve.
    The 3 inch pipe helps but I was hoping for a better result.
    My choices of diameter pipe to fit around is limited to 2 inch or 3 inch.

    Rivets along the length of the spar will hold it, I was hoping for a closer fit.

    Austin Texas


    Austin Tx

  • #2
    There’s a lot of spring back in the aluminum. I gave up with such a long length. I actually just finished both flaps. Second one probably took half the time of the first. Here’s what I did.

    I drilled and clecoed as I went. I started with the tip of the nose rib and worked back to the spar in both directions. Drill a complete row down the length of the flap then move to the next row. Once I started riveting, I did the pop rivets first and the spar and gusset rivets last. I riveted the same way I drilled working from the nose tip back to the spar. The tricky part is getting started to make your skin hole locations match the center of the rib flange. I actually found that marking the center of the ribs then laying the skin next to them so the reflection of the marks showed up on the skin was easier than measuring. I could then mark the location on top of the reflection.
    Building BH 4 Place #503
    Arab, AL


    • #3
      It would be hard to find someone with a roller long enough for the flap and aileron skins. For the aileron cove pieces, lower cowl and cowl doors, I used a 4' roller at a local heating/air conditioning shop. They were so great, didn't even ask for payment but they got a nice tip.

