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how did yall find this dimension ?

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  • how did yall find this dimension ?

    I am on page 23 of the patrol plans. I am trying to figure out where the rear of the counterbalance formed rib intersects the spar. There is no direct measurement showing.

    i tried two ways. neither of which may be accurate enough.

    Used a scaling ruler and measured (on the plan) from the top of the rudder down to where the rib attaches. Using that I got 9 inches.

    second way--- I measured (on the plan) the angle the rib makes with the rudder post using a machinists protracting square. I got 110.3 degrees. This results in a length of 9+5/8 inched down from top. (extrapolated from the forward tip of the rudder counterbalance- that is the other end of that rib-)

    Can someone shed light on how to figure this out ? Not sire how much I can depend on measuring the plans with a scale ruler.......

    Hints ?


  • #2
    I'm going to venture a guess...a total guess. Either way is fine. And when you fabricate your fuselage adjust that mating piece to match your rudder.
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build


    • #3
      I thought of that too--- but i hate to make guesses when I am welding stuff permanent.......
      especially when I may not know it's messed up till way later---
      Last edited by fairchild1934; 07-09-2024, 05:56 PM.

