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My Patrol Hardware List.

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  • My Patrol Hardware List.

    Edited above the line 13Mar2025.

    Go to post #44 to see todays edited list. This list was developed about 8 years ago. I looked over my hardware list this week and post #44 shows hardware I would use today. Experience changes things a bit!

    A note on Hardware inventory. If you are building you will be placing regular orders for hardware even if you buy everything on a list. In reality the list helps to build a hardware inventory that served me very well. It is rare that a task sits incomplete because I do not have the screw nut or bolt on hand. When I place a hardware order I look over my inventory and keep common items in stock. I also purchased a tool to drill holes in bolts so I did not have to inventory drilled AND undrilled bolts.

    Posts #1 - post #28 Below the line remain un-edited from 2018.
    This is an attempt to make an exhaustive hardware list for the Patrol. I think accuracy is very high.

    Post #1-16 has hardware organized by Plans Page number. For example, if a builder wants to know what size bolt is used to marry up the two trim horns on plans p.22 she/he will find it on post #11.

    "But how many AN3-3A bolts should be ordered?" Post #18-#28 has hardware organized by TYPE. This is what I would order if I were a starting a Quick Build Kit.

    There is an advantage of not ordering anything until you need it. The downside is the delay and cost of shipping.

    Warning....if you order a quick build kit, then blindly order the hardware on this list, you will overwhelmed when everything arrives. Researching and developing this list took hundreds of hours. I knew what every piece was for, and was still overwhelmed when everything arrived. Organizing EVERYTHING effectively solved my concerned feelings. So, I recommend you spend a lot of time understanding what you are getting, and where every piece goes before placing a hardware order. Then make a plan to get organized.

    So, Coming up with this list was very educational. You are cheating yourself if you just copy the list and place an order. This list still does not keep me from placing orders regularly for materials. But its a nice start to making a hardware collection. Cross check my list with the list Mark Goldberg publishes. If conflict exists, go with Marks.

    -I did not include any fuel line hardware, or brake line hardware.
    -I use some codes on my list. MMC stands for McMaster Carr. ACS stands for Aircraft Spruce. PN stands for Part Number.
    -I think has the best countersunk machine oxide 100 degree so I gave that information on my list.
    -I did not give any info on blind rivets. Those buggers can be hard to source...mine came from a variety of places. I think having 8 kinds of blind rivets would be ideal....two materials (AL, or Stainless) two diameters (3/32 and 1/8) two kinds of heads (domed or 100 degree countersunk) in two lengths (less than .062 grip, and .062-.125 grip)

    Brooks Cone
    Things not in Plans Fuselage Fuel Lines and valves wing-valve Brake Lines Windshield Fuselage Flap &Aileron Pulley Bolts Fuel Tank Plumbing in Wing Fuel Tank Bay hold down straps Fuel Site Gages Cowl
    (50’) 5052-0 3/8” DIA aluminum tubing (some use 3003-0 versa tube ACS pn 03-40600) (15) K1000-8 anchor nuts (3) AN4-17A (Flp Pulley #1, 4L, 4R) (4) Finger Strainer ACS pn 05-17700 (12) 10-32 1.5” socket head screws McMaster-Carr (4) AN816-4D nipple (8)K1000-8 anchor nut nose bowl
    4’ Parker Super Flex 397 hose ACS pn 05-03598 (15) 8-32 x 3/8” 100deg countersunk machine screw. (1) AN4-22A (flp puley #2) (2)AN816-6D nipple (10) AN3-4A (4) AN822-4D elbow (8) AN526c-832r6 machine screws
    (10) AN819-6D Sleeve ACS pn 01-06705 8.7 oz e-glass fiberglass tape (2) AN4-20A (flp pulley #3l, 3r) (2) AN823-6D 45 elbow (6)AN3-6A (8) AN818-4D coupling (16) NAS1097AD-3-6 rivets to secure anchor nuts to nose bowl
    (10) AN818-6D Nut coupling Epoxy, West 105/206 resin/harder, but cal west systems for help (2) AN4-10 (Ail pulley at wing strut attach point) (4) AN819-6D sleeve (4)AN3-5A (8) AN819-4D sleeve Your favorite latches to latch the engine closed
    (2) AN804-6D Bulkhead Tee West system filler ACS pn-01-08780 (4) AN818-6D nut coupling (20) AN960-10 washers 4’ of clear rigid PVC schedule 40 pipe ACS pn 03-54100
    (3) AN 924-6D nut for the bulkhead fittings Evercoat glazing Putty ACS pn 01-00243 (8) Grommets for 3/8” like to pass thru (mcmaster-carr) (20) AN365-1032 nyloc nuts (2) 6mm cork balls for site gages.
    NOTE. Consider substituing an AN824-6D for the AN804 & AN924 Mold Release Wax ACS pn-01-9415 (8) grommets for the 1/4” site tube fuel line Locktite 545 thread sealer
    (5) AN816-6D Nipple Squeegees & Mixing Cups ACS pn01-24901, pn01-00416 (8) Hose Clamps ACS pn QS200-08H
    (1) Fuel Valve ACS pn 6749 modified in accordance with backcountry super cub assembly manual p.62 (the L-off-R-off valve is modified to make it a L-both-R-off valve.) or buy from The above tiny url links a bearhawk forum thread. Post #18 explains the sight gage fabrication task that conforms to this hardware list.
    (1) AN837-6D 45 elbow bulkhead at firewall
    Various MS21919 tube (Adel) Cushion Clamps
    Last edited by Bcone1381; 03-13-2025, 05:20 AM.
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build

  • #2
    Plans Page 2 Fuel Tank Cover - Both Tanks Rivets for Skin to Ribs/spar attachment Inspection Cover Extra Nuts plates
    (180) K1000-6 Nut Plates (40) an426ad4-4 (272) K1000-6 nut plates (20) MS21059L06 floating nut plate size 6

    (360) nas1097ad3-4 Rivets AN426AD-3-3 and -3.5 rivets (550) nas1097ad3-3.5 rivets (20) K-2000-06 one lug nut plate
    (180) Machine Screw 6-32 x 3/8” long. Consider NAS514P632 screw. (272) Machine Screw 6-32 ss 3/8” long 100 degree countersink. NAS514P632-5P
    Last edited by Bcone1381; 07-11-2019, 07:50 AM. Reason: corrected errors, and removed Mcmaster Carr screw source reference. Added NAS514 screw source reference.
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build


    • #3
      Plans Page 8; Aileron Drive Push Rod Bell Crank Pulley Support Frame Front Aileron Cable Hardware Rear Aileron Cable Hardware
      (4) Aurora Rod End Bearing (2)AN5-26A bolt (2) AN4-24A bolt, (2)AN3-5A Bolt rear top (2) MS21252-4RS Fork Ends right threads (1) MS21251-B5S turn buckle
      (4) AN316-4 1/4-28 check nut for Pushrod (6) AN960-516 washer (6) AN960-416 washers (4)AN3-7A Front support all
      (2) MS21251-B5S Barrel
      (2) MS21256-1 locking clips
      (2)AN3-16 bolt connect pushor to bellcrack (2)AN365–524 nyloc nut (2) AN365-428 nyloc nut (2)AN3-13A Rear Bottom
      (4) MS21256-1 locking clips
      (1)MS21255-5LS Cable Eye Left Threads
      (2)AN970-3 big washer for Rod End Bearing retainer (4) AN970-5 Big Washer to retain bellcrank bearings (2)MS24566-4b pulley (8)AN960-10 washer MS21255-5LS Cable Eye Left threads (1)MS21255-5RS Cable Eye Right Threads
      (2)AN960-10 washer (4) Bearings from Bearhawk Aircraft (8)AN365-1032 lock nut (2) AN393-15 Clevis
      (2) An115-21 shackle for rear cable
      (2) AN310-3 castle nut (4) Nicopress sleeve 18-3-m (2) AN960-10 washer (2) AN393-11 clevis
      (2) MS24665-151 cotter pin (4) AN100-4 thimble (2) MS24665-151 cotter (2) AN960-10 washer
      (4)AN3-6 Cable attachment to bellcrank (2) 18-3-M Nicopress sleeve (2) MS24665-151 cotter
      (4) AN960-10 (2) AN100C-4 Thimble (4) 18-3-M Nicopress Sleeve
      (4)AN310-3 castle nut NOTE: Author build his own Turnbuckles in order to use barrels with locking clips.
      Sub appropriate AN130 assemble for my barrel, eye and fork recipe.
      (4) AN100C-4 Thimble
      (4)MS24665-151 cotter
      Last edited by Bcone1381; 07-16-2019, 03:31 PM. Reason: Added details for turnbuckles, and missing cable hardware
      Brooks Cone
      Southeast Michigan
      Patrol #303, Kit build


      • #4
        Plans p.9; Flap Drive Flap Support Frame Flap Arms Pushrod Flap Cable Connection to Inboard Flap Lever
        (2) AN3-5A bolt Top rear spar attach (4) AN3-12A bolt for Flap Arm attach (2)AN3-16 Bolt for Pushrod tube (2) AN115—32 shackle
        (4) AN3-10A bolt Main Spar Attach (4)AN365-1032 nylon nut (2) AN960-10 Washer (2)AN394-15 clevis
        (2)AN3-13A bolt rear bottom (4) AN960-10 Washer (2) AN310-3 Castle nut (2) MS24665-151 cotter
        (8) AN960-10 washer .750’ ID Rubber Hose (2) MS24665-151 cotter pin (2)AN3-7 Bolt
        (8) AN365-1032 nyloc nuts Rod End Bearing (2)AN960-4 washer
        (2)AN316-524 check nut (2)AN310- 416 castle nut
        (2) MS24665-151 cotter pin
        (2”)1/4” x .028 bushing stock
        (2) AN100C-4 thimble
        (2) 18-3-M Sleeve
        Brooks Cone
        Southeast Michigan
        Patrol #303, Kit build


        • #5
          Plans p.12-14 Hinge Mounts Hinge angles attach to cntrl sfc Attachment at Hinge Bearing Ail & Flap to push rod attach Top Steel Hinge Mounts (Bottom bolt was includ-ed in frame support p.9) SS Pop Rivet for Balance Tube Pop Rivet for Aileron Pocket skin
          (45) K2000-3 10-32 nut plates (4) AN3-7 bolt Flap Center hinge and Ail. inbd hinge (4) AN3-7 bolts for psh rod attachment (20) AN3-13A bolts (24) CCC-42 Flush SS w/ SS mandrel (108) BSP-41 pull rivets, aluminum protruding head 1/8" DIA, for .032 material thickness
          (100) NAS1097AD3-4 rivets for nut plates (6) AN3-6 Flap Inbd/Outbd, and AIl. outbd. (4) AN310-3 castle nut (20) AN960-10 washer
          (40) AN3-4A bolt (10)AN960-10 washer (4) AN960-10 washer (20) An365-1032 nuts
          (40) AN960-10 washer (10)AN310-3 castle nut (4) MS24665-151 cotter
          (10) MS24665-151 cotter
          Plans p.15; Flap & Aileron Control Support Assembly at Wing Root Wing Strut steel Attach plate Aileron Pulley Bracket at strut Top & Bottom attachment AIleron Pulley at Bracket Aileron Cable Pulley at bottom of strut Flap Cable Attach to Inboard Flap Lever
          (2)AN4H-3A bolt front (8) AN3-13A bolts (2) AN4-14A bolt Top pulley bracket (2) MS20220-2 pulley (2) MS24566-3B (2) AN115-32 Shackle
          (2) AN4H-6A bolt rear (2) AN4-13A (2)AN960-416 washer (2) AN5-13A bolt (2) AN4-11A (2) AN393-17 clevis
          (8)An960-416 washers (8)AN-960-10 washer (2) AN365-428 nut (2) AN960-516 washer (2) AN960-416
          (2) AN960-10 washer
          (4) MS35335-33 lock washer (8) AN365-1032 Nut (2) AN3-10A bolt (2) AN365-524 Nyloc nut (2)AN365-428 Nyloc nut (2)MS21665-151 cotter
          Fairleads from ACS (2) AN960-416 washer (2) AN960-10 washer (2) AN100-4 Thimble
          (2)18-3-M Nicopress sleeve
          (2) AN365-428 (2)AN365-1032 lock nut
          Last edited by Bcone1381; 07-17-2019, 05:37 PM. Reason: Updated Flap Cable attach to inboard flap lever to use shackles instead of tabs.
          Brooks Cone
          Southeast Michigan
          Patrol #303, Kit build


          • #6
            Plans p.16 Wing Strut Strut End Attach Bolts Strut attach at Wing Strut Attach at Fuselage
            (16)AN4-23A bolt (2)AN6-13A (2)AN6-16A
            (32)AN960-416 washer (4)AN960-616 (4)AN960-616
            (16)AN365-428 nut (2)AN365-624 (2)AN365-624
            Last edited by Bcone1381; 07-17-2019, 05:42 PM. Reason: Nomenclature changed to conform to Plans.
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • #7
              Plans p.17 & 17A Boot/Engine Cowl Floor Boards Rear Bulkhead Stringers Window Frame Cargo Door Hinges
              (40) K-1000-06 nutplateNut Plate Aluminum .020 x 32” x 20”, .025 x 32” x 107”, .032 Canvas (50) 1/8” AL domed pop rivet to hold stringers. (144) Aluminum Rivets (2)AN3-3A
              (160)NAS1097AD3-6 rivtes (5’) 3m Dual Lock Faster MMC pn 96055K42 Plan canvas attachment later, consider Dual Lock Fasteners (2) AN960-10
              (40) 6-32x3/8 (or 1/4) 100deg countersunk screw (Black oxide phillips from (2)AN364-1032
              (40) K1000-8 but plate
              (40) 8-32 x 3/8” 100deg countersunk machine screw.
              Brooks Cone
              Southeast Michigan
              Patrol #303, Kit build


              • #8
                Plans p.19 & 20 Door and WIndow Engine Mount to Firewall Door hinge WIndow HInge
                (4) AN6-41A (2)AN3-3A .190 hinge pin
                (4) AN365-624 (2) AN960-10
                (4) AN960-616 (2)AN364-1032
                ACS p 05-04521 spring loaded latch for door
                Brooks Cone
                Southeast Michigan
                Patrol #303, Kit build


                • #9
                  Plans p.21 Tail Section Horizontal Stab Front Bracket Horizontal Stab Front Mount TUbe Tail Spring Rod Tail Strut-Fuse to Horizontal Stab top Tail Strut-Fuse to Horizontal Stab bottom Tail Wheel attach to Tail Spring.
                  (2) AN4-24A bolt (2) AN3-12A bolt (1) AN5-14A bolt (2) AN3-14A (2) AN3-6A (2) AN5-14A
                  (2) AN960-416 washer (2) AN960-10 washer (2)AN960-516 washer (4) AN960-10 washer (2) AN960-10 washer (2) AN960-516 washer
                  (2) AN365-428 nut (2) AN364-1032 nyloc nut (1)AN365-524 nut (2) AN365-1032 nut (2) AN365-1032 nyloc nuts (2) AN364-524 nut
                  Brooks Cone
                  Southeast Michigan
                  Patrol #303, Kit build


                  • #10
                    Plans P.22-23; Elev. and Rudder Inbd Rudder & Elevator Hinge Bolt Outbd Rudder & Elevator hinge bolts w/tail wire attachments Tail Wire Attach to Links & lower fuselage tail wire attach fitting
                    (3) AN4-15A (3) AN4-17A (4) AN665-34R
                    (3) AN960-416 (3) AN960-416 (4) An665-34L
                    (3) AN365-428 nyloc nut (3) AN365-428 nyloc nut (8) AN394-17 Clevis Pin
                    (3) AN364-428 (3) AN364-428 (8) MS24665-151 cotter
                    (8) 960-416 washer
                    Tail Wires
                    Brooks Cone
                    Southeast Michigan
                    Patrol #303, Kit build


                    • #11
                      p.22 Trim, elev, and rudder horn Trim Horn Marriage Trim Horn Cable Connect Trim horn & lobes attach to torque tube Trim Tab Linkage connection Torque Tube spacers Elevator Horn - Push Rod Bearing connection Rudder Horn Cable p.23 attached w/swaged fork ends
                      (2) Short AN3-4A bolts; secures two trim horns together

                      (2) An115-8 shackle for rear cable (4) AN3-10A bolt attach horn to to torque tubes. (4) AN3-7 for Rod Ends Fabricate from 1’ piece of 5/8 x .058 4130 or tubing (1) AN3-11 bolt to attach push rod to elev horn. (2) AN3-6 bolt
                      (2) AN364-1032 nyloc nut (2) AN393-9 clevis (4) AN364-1032 nyloc nut (4) AN345-10 check nut (1) AN310-3 castel nut (2) AN960-10 washer
                      (4) AN960-10 washer (2) MS24665-151 cotter (4) AN960-10 washer (4) AN310-3 castle nuts (1) AN960-10 (2) AN310-3 castle nut
                      (4) AN100-3 thimble (4) MS24665-151 cotter pins (1) MS24665-151 cotter pin (2) MS24665-151 cotter
                      (4) 18-1-C Nicopress Sleeve ACS pn 05-03288 (4) AN960-10 washer (1) AN316-6 check nut
                      (4) AN970 retention washer for rod ends (1) Rod end bearing
                      Last edited by Bcone1381; 04-09-2018, 10:05 AM. Reason: Updated on Apr 9th, 2018. In 3rd column, removed (2) AN115-21 shackles, added (2) AN115-8 shackles, added (2) AN393-9 clevis pins. Added a column for trim torque tube spacers, and 1' picked of 5/8 x
                      Brooks Cone
                      Southeast Michigan
                      Patrol #303, Kit build


                      • #12
                        Plans p.25 Fuse Top Fittings Wing Attach Bolts Sky Light Rear Attach Elevator Trim Elev Trim Cable connection at trim lever Extra Bolts for drilling Wings
                        (2) AN6-15A Bolt Main Spar (23) K1000-6 Nut Plates 1/8” phenolic sheet ACS pn 03-52500

                        (2) AN100-3 thimble (4)AN4-15
                        (2)AN5-11A Bolt Rear Spar (13) AN526-632R8 screws (1)AN960-416 (2) 18-1-C Nicopress Sleeve ACS pn 05-03288 (4)AN310-4
                        (2)AN960-616 washer (10) AN526-632R12 screws (1)AN365-428 (1)MS24665-151
                        (2)AN365-624 nut (50)NAS1097AD-3-4 rivets (2) Special Made Cable 1/16 7x7 with swaged fork end for cockpit trim Tubing -bushing 1/4 x .028, 3/8” x .028, 5/16 x .028
                        (2) AN960-516 Washer (2)AN3-20A, (2) AN4-20A, (2) AN5-20A, (2) AN6-20A
                        (2)AN365-524 nut
                        Brooks Cone
                        Southeast Michigan
                        Patrol #303, Kit build


                        • #13
                          Plans p. 26-28 Gear Front & Rear Gear leg Attach to Fuse Shock Strut Attach Strut Attach at Axle Brake Caliper Attach Shock Strut Assembly p.28 Wheel to Axle
                          (4)AN6-25A bolt (2) AN6-14A Top of Strut (2) AN6-22A (6) AN5-5A (2) AN316-8 check nut for rod end bearing MS21025-24 Axle Nut
                          (4)AN960-616 Washer (2) AN960-616 (2) AN960-616 (12) AN960-516 (2) 1/2x20 3/8” long hex drive socket set screw. Try Ace Hardware, or Fastenal pn25701 Axle Nut Cotter
                          (4) AN365-624 (2)AN365-624 (2)AN365-624 (6) AN365-524
                          (8) AN4-5A
                          Bushing Material 3/8 x .058 x 6. 3.8 x .028 x 6. 5/16 x .028 x 6. (8) AN365-428
                          (16) AN960-416
                          3/8 x .058 x 6” bushing stock
                          3/8 x .028 x 6” bushing stock
                          Brooks Cone
                          Southeast Michigan
                          Patrol #303, Kit build


                          • #14
                            Plans P.29 Control Stick Idler Arm Hang Torque tube w/ rod end bearings Stick to Inter-connect Tube Stick connect to Torque Tube Aileron Cable Attach to Control Stick
                            (1)AN3-12 bolt stick pushrod (2) AN3-10 (3)AN3-5A bolt (2)AN4-23 bolt (2)AN3-6 bolt to attach stick to swaged fork end
                            (1)AN3-10 bolt at elev. pushrod (2) AN310-3 castel nut (3)AN364-1032 short nylon nut (2)AN960-416 washer (2) AN960-10 washer
                            (2)AN310-3 Castle Nut (2) AN960-10 washer (6)AN960-10 washer (2)AN310-4 castle nut (2)MS24665-151 cotter
                            (2)AN960-10 Washer (2)MS24665-151 cotter (3) 1/4 x .028 x 1/4” bushing (2)MS24665-151 cotter pin
                            (2) MS24665-151 Cotter Pin (2) AN345-10 check nut at rod end bearing
                            (2)Bushings .250x.028 12” long (2)GMM-3M-680 Rod Ends
                            (2)AN316-6 check nut
                            (2) MS24665-355 cotter
                            (3) GMM-3M-680 Rod end bearings, two at the idler arm,
                            one at the end of the push rod.
                            Last edited by Bcone1381; 09-05-2018, 07:45 PM. Reason: Moved some items around for improved clarity.
                            Brooks Cone
                            Southeast Michigan
                            Patrol #303, Kit build


                            • #15
                              Plans p.30 Brake Pedal Front Brake Cylinder Front Brake Pedal Cable Rudder Cable Rudder Pedal
                              (4) AN3-6 bolt - top brake cyl (4) AN4-25 bolt-brake pedal (40’) 1/8” 7x19 galvanized cable pre stretched. ACS pn 05-11289 Build the rudder with safety wire, then special order swaged cable ends from Spruce (10)MS24665-355 Cotter for Rudder Pedal Axle
                              (4) AN3-7 bolt-bottom brake cyl (2) an960-416 washer (6) AN393-15 clevis pins
                              (8) AN960-10 washer (2)AN310-4 nut (6) ms24665-151 cotter pin
                              (8) AN310-3 castle nut (2) MS24665-151 cotter pin (10) AN960-10
                              (8) MS24665-151 cotter pin (2) MS24665-372 cotter pins ruder (4) AN3-15 bolt
                              (8) Ring Cotter ACS pn3703, or MMC (4) AN310-3 castle nut
                              (4) AN393-19 Mark G. says to to use this for Master Cyl. to Rudder Pedal (10) AN960-10 washer
                              (4) MS24665-151 Cotter Pin
                              Brooks Cone
                              Southeast Michigan
                              Patrol #303, Kit build

