This is what I ended up doing. Drilling the round slide bar wasn't super easy but went well with a small drill. Just make sure to drill all positions with a small drill bit before going to the final size. I didn't. I drilled one position to final size then realized I now cannot use the outer tube as a guide anymore. I had to eyeball the concentricity for the pilot hole.
For fixing slight alignment issues between pilot hole and final size I use a 1/16" (3mm) end mill bit. It works really well. I just widen the hole into the direction it's off and then the final size bit magically puts a perfectly concentric hole in it. You all probably already know this but I still find it fascinating how well this works.
The ball lock pins (20mm long, 6mm diameter) can be found all over the place including amazon. They are about 40 usd for a 5 pack.