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Ribs and Ribs and Ribs

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  • Ribs and Ribs and Ribs

    Quickly approaching the one year mark since I began a companion scratch build. Feeling great about the progress. Have a camping trip planned over thanksgiving with the wife but when I get back I’ll be ripping the blanks for the flap and aileron spars than dropping them off for bending a a local fab shop.

    After the spars are bent up I’ll have a couple odds and ends but mostly I’ll be ready to start assembly on the flaps and ailerons. Once that is done, I plan to build the main wing spars, finish the odds and ends then begin assembly of the wings. My aim is to have both wings ready to put away around the 20-24 month mark. This first year was a bit slow as I was learning new skills. Big scrap pile!

    edit: I’ll be priming the ribs of course.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by NSLaw; 11-24-2021, 01:21 AM.

  • #2
    Looks great! I look forward to following your progress! Finding someone with a press brake locally to bend my spars is my biggest concern. If all else fails, I may end up building a simple leaf brake for bending mine.
    Bill Duncan
    Troy, Idaho
    Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
    N53BD - reserved


    • #3
      You might consider building the aft spars first. A great learning experience that prepares you for the added complexity, heavier materials and larger fasteners of the fwd spars.
      Patrol #30


      • #4
        Originally posted by geraldmorrissey View Post
        You might consider building the aft spars first. A great learning experience that prepares you for the added complexity, heavier materials and larger fasteners of the fwd spars.
        Patrol #30
        That's a good idea Gerry, thanks. I did have the same thought after starting on the wing nose ribs (and having an embarrassingly big scrap pile) that I should have started with the flap/ail ribs as I learned the skills. Less waste. Thanks for the tip!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Redneckmech View Post
          Looks great! I look forward to following your progress! Finding someone with a press brake locally to bend my spars is my biggest concern. If all else fails, I may end up building a simple leaf brake for bending mine.
          Same concern. I had to call 3 or 4 shops to find one who both had a 9 foot brake (patrol flaps), and would take on a the work.


          • #6
            Beautiful work. And your shop is a lot more organized than mine.

