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Aluminum material sources United States, Canada and other

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  • Aluminum material sources United States, Canada and other

    I moved this post out of the rivet materials that thread can stay about rivets...,

    this question is to Sir Newton and anyone else with information to share...for Canadian sources..our American cousins are welcome to chime in and post handy sources of interest..

    Great idea Sir Newton for the forum to have a materials thread.

    Ive been buying my aluminum for the past few years from Aircraft Spruce a few sheets at time since I live about 2 hrs from them in Toronto. I drive up and pick up the rolled up sheets.

    But I originally tried to source the Aluminum in Toronto and could not find anyone who had it plastic protected...they had some sizes but not protected and the sheets were all scratched up ... when I asked for 12 foot lengths they just looked at me funny like they never got asked that before....... I tried 4 places and had no luck so I gave up trying and drove up to Aircraft Spruce...this was 4 years back ....maybe its changed since then but ive not inquired again...I tried Metal Supermarkets and others...

    Since it looks like you're in the Trade Sir Newton...can you share with us your source for the benefit Canadian Builders(maybe they have offices around the country)

    is there a wholesale source I can tell the supplier about to check to source the metal or is there unique product codes these items carry that maybe the suppliers are not aware of

    some RAA chapters offer a discount with Aircraft Spruce... if it’s your only option.... I’m sure the EAA have a similar thing going on

    Last edited by way_up_north; 02-23-2021, 12:37 PM.

  • #2
    I've got mine from ThyssenKrupp Materials NA Copper and Brass Sales Division. They're in Vancouver but there's probably other outlets, at least in the major Canadian cities. Definitely a wholesaler but they are used to dealing with aircraft grade aluminum and had no problem selling me single sheets. They vinyl coat it when you order so it comes in perfect condition. A 4x12 sheet of 0.025" 2024-T3 ALclad and vinyl wrapped both sides was $350 CAD. Another $30 for a local courier to drive it 200km to my house. $100 more than ACS price but cheaper once the shipping is factored in.
    4-Place QB kit #111. First flight May 2022.
    IO-470 - 260hp


    • #3
      I bought all of my sheet aluminum from Thyssen quite a few years ago and it was a lot less than ASS plus it was drop shipped to Edmonton free of charge. These were not plastic covered sheets. Also by purchasing from a large supplier, there might not be the same care in their handling of the product. Some .025 sheets had “foot prints” visible from the pads on the rollers. Samuel metals is another good source.


      • #4
        Does anyone know about sourcing in Australia or the Middle East/China?

