I encountered something unexpected when shrinking the fabric on my elevators. The trailing edge deflected inward at the trim tab pocket, to the point where the deflection was very apparent and the trim tabs themselves no longer fit. I should have grabbed some pictures, but I was worried it would set and immediately cut off the fabric. Good news is that the elevators returned to their starting shape. I'm using Superflite 3.7oz fabric with Stewart Systems, should be a regular covering system. I have not experienced deflection to this severity; horizontal stabilizers, flaps, ailerons, and rudder remained true after shrinking the fabric.
Is this a technique issue? I started shrinking fabric at the center of the elevator up against the 1" leading edge tube and worked outwards on both sides. I noticed the deflection after the 2nd shrink at 300F.
I'm also wondering if the elevator itself would benefit from more bracing. The deflection can make sense when you consider the structural integrity of the trailing edge is compromised with the trim tab pocket coupled with a lack of cross bracing. BTW, this is a factory kit.
Is this a technique issue? I started shrinking fabric at the center of the elevator up against the 1" leading edge tube and worked outwards on both sides. I noticed the deflection after the 2nd shrink at 300F.
I'm also wondering if the elevator itself would benefit from more bracing. The deflection can make sense when you consider the structural integrity of the trailing edge is compromised with the trim tab pocket coupled with a lack of cross bracing. BTW, this is a factory kit.