I'm working on AP servo installation. I found plenty of ideas and photos of pitch and aileron servo installs, but haven't been able to find any yaw servo install photos (plenty of ideas, but I need a photo). I've ruled out a capstan setup, the Garmin servo with a capstan setup allows for 2.6" of travel in each direction and I measured my rudder cables move just over 3" in each direction. As I write this, I am second guessing my measurement... Regardless, I came up with a push rod installation method and want to see if anyone out there has experience to share.
My setup (mocked up in the photo):
My setup (mocked up in the photo):
- Servo bracket welded to the last fuselage station
- Servo mounted between the two aluminum fairing strips, access through inspection covers
- The push rod is above the lower aluminum fairing strip, does not interfere with the rudder cable exit
- Will use a rod end mounted to another hole drilled in the control horn, geometry will avoid interfering with the rudder cable or over-centering the servo control arm