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Safety Update from Bob - Landing Gear Width - All Models

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  • Safety Update from Bob - Landing Gear Width - All Models

    March 2023

    Reiterating Previously Published Limits - Applies to all Bearhawk Models

    We have observed that some Bearhawks are set up with the gear legs spread out too far. When the landing gear is spread wider than design limits, the landing gear system is weakened. Measure from the center of each tire, at the front of the tire.
    Adjustment can be made at the rod end at the top of the shock strut. Recommended minimum thread engagement of the rod end is 5/8".

      Spread at Typical Flying Weight Maximum Allowed Width
    Bearhawk 4-Place, Patrol, Companion, and Five 72 Inches 74 Inches
    Bearhawk LSA 66-68 Inches 70 Inches

  • #2
    Jared hoping you can help us out. I have a question on spread and tire ware. We adjusted our A model from 76 down to the 73.5 -74" recommendation on this. But right now I'm seeing an uneven ware on tire, it looks like the gear is obviously more tucked under the bird. Question is would we alter these measurements based on tire size; 8 vs 26in? We currently run 26' Goodyear. Thanks DC
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    • jaredyates
      jaredyates commented
      Editing a comment
      I'm only the messenger, it would be best to ask Bob. Are you able to call him?

  • #3
    For sure. Thanks for the heads up. Cheers


    • #4
      Iā€™d love to hear the answer. I currently have a Kitfox and will be buying a 4A soon. The Kitfox tires are about 6ā€ wider on my spring gear and the plane is shorter. I noticed a slight difference in the ground handling. It would be nice to know what is possible.


      • #5
        Hi Butch, the cool thing about the Bearhawk gear is that you can adjust it if you need to. But most of us don't, and it works great. Set it up according to the limits above and carry on.


        • #6
          Hi Jared:

          I'm installing the Acme Aero Cabane style gear on my 4 Pl. It widens the stance by 4-6 inches. I know other BH owners have installed this. Do you have an opinion on this or is it a question for Bob?



          • #7
            Totally a Bob question! Virgil installed some type of aftermarket landing gear but I don't know which one. You might check with him too.

