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  • Tables

    I have built the standard EAA workbenches, but have a query about building the spars and fuse. Looking at Eric's manual, it looks like the spars are built on a standard 2 foot wide table with his 2x4's across the top?
    Moving forward, are 2 tables placed side by side for the fuse, or do people generally install a 4 foot table top on a standard table?

  • #2
    Its been a long time but I believe that I built two 4'x8' tables and put them end to end. They were levelled in both directions and made to be even in height. When I riveted the spars I used some 2x4's screwed to the table top and hanging over the edge of the table 2'
    Eric Newton - Long Beach, MS
    Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder's Manuals


    • #3
      I believe the fuselage table has to be longer than 16'. Been awhile but for some reason my fuselage table that now has built a 4-place Bearhawk and a Patrol, is 18 ft long, 4 ft wide. I built it with "I" joists (as we call them in the building trade). They come in long lengths, are straight and true and easy to work with.

      Collin Campbell
      Bolivar, MO


      • #4
        I made a bunch of 2x4' tables and drilled holes in them so I can connect them with all-thread and nuts to form any configuration I need, either end to end or side by side. I did it that way so I could use them for other tasks when not needed for the bh build and also to get them out of the way when not needed.
        Scratch-building 4-place #1231
        Almost Wyoming region of Nebraska


        • #5
          I also let the edges of the top overhang by 1 1/2" so I could clamp directly to the table top. I use 2 2x4 blocks as a spacer when bolting the tables together.
          Scratch-building 4-place #1231
          Almost Wyoming region of Nebraska


          • #6
            I just built a table from LVL's and 2x4 stock. LVL's are very nice to work with and straight. I cut a 12" one in half and used them to support under the top. Nice thing is you can get them any length you want.
            Dan - Scratch building Patrol # 243.


            • #7
              FWIW, my fuselage table is 4x18. I made it so it could come apart in the middle and have 2 4x8 tables. I'll probably take apart one table and be left with one 4x8 for the rest of my build.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Collin Campbell View Post
                I believe the fuselage table has to be longer than 16'. Been awhile but for some reason my fuselage table that now has built a 4-place Bearhawk and a Patrol, is 18 ft long, 4 ft wide. I built it with "I" joists (as we call them in the building trade). They come in long lengths, are straight and true and easy to work with.

                Collin Campbell
                Bolivar, MO
                Now that you mention it, that's right Colin, I had to add a 2' section between the tables when I connected them together. Easy to do.
                Eric Newton - Long Beach, MS
                Bearhawk Tailwheels and Builder's Manuals


                • #9
                  We built 2 tables 4 ft x 8 ft for construction of parts then put them end to end for the spars. The tables were spaced 4 ft apart & the gap bridged with 2x6s and plywood to make a 20 ft long table. The legs on the table were cut to about half height prior to joining the tables so it was a comfortable work height for assembling the fuselage on the 20 ft table.
                  Glenn Patterson


                  • #10
                    Colin I PM'd you. Not sure if this app notifies us of messages yet....


                    • Collin Campbell
                      Collin Campbell commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Brad, Sorry it took so long to answer you. I just now found your message!! I am having a lot of trouble getting used to the new forum...can't seem to upload any attachments and am getting a lot of "error" messages...oh well, hope the guys get things figured out. I think you were asking a about how I built my table. I used "I" joists through out. 2 long (18') pieces for the sides and 4' pieces on 2' centers to frame in between the sides. Makes a real flat surface. Glued and screwed 3/4" plywood to the top. I covered this with a replaceable top of particle board, so I could make a new layout for the top and bottom fuselage frames. Turn the particle board over or replace it. Good to layout the stabilizer and elevator, etc too!

                      Collin Campbell
                      Bolivar, MO