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Dynon Autopilot Servos

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  • Dynon Autopilot Servos

    Hello All,
    Excuse me ,as someone may have posted this info in the past ,but I am new at this.
    Would anyone know which Dynon autopilot servo sizes will be sufficient to drive the Bearhawk controls and have any photos and advice as to where to install them?
    Thank you.

  • #2
    I installed the roll servo under the right seat, the pitch servo under the middle of both front seats, and the yaw in the fuselage behind the baggage compartment. Sv42 on everything except roll, which was sv32. The 32 almost never slipped in normal flight, but would slip if the plane became very uncoordinated. I was not able to get the software configured to fly the plane adequately, because of a lack of documentation and support from Dynon. Perhaps you could succeed if you fiddle with it more, convince them to tell you what the settings do, rig the plane differently, or have lower standards for what is good autopilot function. I still have all of my brackets and hardware available if you are interested, along with a single sv42 capstan servo that remains unsold.

