.On my Q/B Patrol I pondered how best to attach the skylight fasteners to the outboard steel tube formers. Didn't care for the rivnut approach mainly because sourcing them seemed difficult, Tapping for a 6-32 screw seemed feasible based on a few test taps in similar material. Ultimately decided to make a nutplate strip to insert into the tubing and rivet that in place with CCR nutplate rivets. Seems to have worked out well. Anyway, thought I'd share my method if anyone else is thinking about how to do their skylight fasteners.
Cheers (Dave from Maine)
nutplate strips for sklight.jpg nutplate strips for skylight. 2jpg.jpg nutplate strips for skylight. 3.jpg
Cheers (Dave from Maine)
nutplate strips for sklight.jpg nutplate strips for skylight. 2jpg.jpg nutplate strips for skylight. 3.jpg