My wife and I just returned from a trip (car) to Colorado, and visited the Leadville airport (KLXV). It is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen. I'm so jealous! (Wonder how much runway my little O-200 powered Citabria 7ECA would use at 9,934 feet...?) Enjoy the trip. I'm super-jealous!
Jim Parker
Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)
Yeah, but I realize that there is a difference between the 115 HP of the O-235 and the 100 HP of the O-200... And since at 10K feet, you only make about 2/3 of that... I asked the guy at the Leadville FBO if anyone ever landed (and more importantly took off!) with an O-200 powered Citabria, and he said he didn't even know there was such a beast. (Only a few hundred O-200 powered 7ECAs were sold before they changed to the O-235. My 1965 model is one of the lucky early ones - also has the oleo-strut landing gear instead of the spring steel gear legs... But the O-200 engine is part of the reason it was cheap enough I could afford to buy and fly it while building the Patrol!)
Last edited by JimParker256; 05-31-2016, 08:45 AM.
My understanding is that there has been more than one plane that didn't make it from that strip. Find a long runway, power up to 2/3 rd's and see what it takes. I remember on my take off roll pulling the stick back and settling back down a few times before it was ready and then flew in ground effect a while. I also remember wondering why I was able to get that certificate before I left. Seems to me the bigger deal is leaving, not arriving. ;-) I'd sure like to keep my Citabria, but now that we are on the home run leg of the Patrol projects I not only need the funds, I need the room in the hanger!
Jim, I enjoyed hearing about your O-200 7ECA. I also owned 1/4 share in a 1965 O-200 7ECA with the oleo gear. First plane we owned, bought the 1/4 share sight unseen for $995 from a guy who had just lost his medical and wanted to just dump it. He had a long line of buyers - plane was out flying so I couldn't see it so just wrote him a check and took the chance. Fortunately it worked out great! I had never flown a taildragger before so had to find an instructor and learn how to really fly. We put a lot of hours on N11067 all around the PNW - even had it into some of the backcountry strips in Idaho. But you are right, the 100HP was pretty anemic at times.
The 115HP Citabria I currently fly is not much better. I can't imagine how long it would take to get high enough to even get to the airport, much less take off there. I was in that area with a 235HP C182 last summer, and that was anemic enough for me.