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Wing Rib Progress

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  • Wing Rib Progress

    Hi everyone,

    This weekend marked a momentous move forward in wing rib construction. After finally building my hole-flanging jig, I was able to knock out the majority of those crazy lightening holes that have haunted me for a while. I have yet to build the special jig for flanging the oval holes in the center ribs, but I've got it laid out on the block and it shouldn't take too long to get that taken care of.

    I started out by tracing the master wing jig onto a piece of synthetic decking per Dwayne Parkinson's suggestion (my building partner). I went down to my local lumber supplier and picked up a piece of 12-inch by 12-foot synthetic skirt board to make sure it would be wide enough and have enough material left over for "mistakes". I was hoping to find some of the material that was entirely made up of recycles plastic, but there wasn't any to be found anywhere in town at any store, big box or small shop. But what I did find was a plastic encapsulated wood-fiber product, and it worked fantastically.

    I bought an arbor press from my good friend at Harbor Freight specifically for this purpose, and it's the best $129 (on sale) that I've ever spent! Well, at this point in time it is, anyway. With my friend Alan's help, we were able to knock out all of the lightening holes in a weekend. I spent a few hours building up the jig the weekend prior, and made some minor adjustments to it on Saturday when we started work. While setting up the first couple, Alan said, "There's gotta be a better way". So he used the jigging holes in the ribs that I used during the cutting/routing/bending process, and drilled some 3/16" holes into the flanging jig. We then went over to the local Fleet Farm (living in farm country is a wonderful thing) and got some 3/16" pins that were easily slid into the jig holes on each rib to hole it in place for pressing. Way nicer than the 3/16" screws we were using, as the lack of threads allowed them to go in and out very easily.

    The first center rib had some significant warpage on the front-spar end due to the lack of material close to the hole. Using a modification on a suggestion made by Caleb Ihreg, I clamped a piece of wood onto the front of the rib to keep it rigid during pressing, and the warping was eliminated entirely. Everything turned out perfectly. After a solid two days of manipulating the high-tech controls of the hydraulic press, all of the ribs have been flanged and are ready for de-potato-chipping (technical term?), and getting them ready for stiffening angles.

    I've also added a family photo of all of the ribs that have been completed since the beginning of the project. I still have to do the short ribs behind the fuel tanks and the full-sized ribs for the wing tips. Note that Dwayne and I are building two planes, side by side, which is why it looks like there are so many ribs. Because there are! 220 ribs, 540 lightening holes.

    Almost there... Photos to follow.

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    This gallery has 5 photos.
    Christopher Owens
    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA

  • #2
    More pics from above.
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    This gallery has 5 photos.
    Christopher Owens
    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


    • #3
      Two more pics.
      You do not have permission to view this gallery.
      This gallery has 2 photos.
      Christopher Owens
      Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
      Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
      Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


      • #4
        Sorry Caleb, I tried to correct the spelling of your name, but the forum isn't accepting my edits
        Christopher Owens
        Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
        Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
        Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


        • #5
          Very nice job. Thanks for the photos.
          John Snapp (Started build in Denver, CO) Now KAWO -Arlington Washington Bearhawk Patrol - Plans #255 Scratch built wing and Quickbuild Fuselage as of 11/2021. Working on skinning the left wing! -Ribs : DONE -Spars: DONE, Left wing assembly's: DONE., Top skins : DONE YouTube Videos on my building of patrol :


          • #6
            Thanks, John. Appreciate the feedback!

            Can you provide a close-up or another reference of that device you were using to straighten up your rib edge flanges? You said it was popular with the RV builders, but yours was the first time I'd seen one. Is it a home-built device?

            Christopher Owens
            Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
            Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
            Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


            • #7
              A quick Google search on "straighten rib flange" turned up several great resources. Sure am glad I watched your rib video and discovered it!

              Christopher Owens
              Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
              Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
              Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chris In Marshfield View Post
                Thanks, John. Appreciate the feedback! Can you provide a close-up or another reference of that device you were using to straighten up your rib edge flanges? You said it was popular with the RV builders, but yours was the first time I'd seen one. Is it a home-built device? ~Chris
                Chris, Here is a link I found to one similar to what I built It really made straightening the flanges to 90 deg easier. Keep posting what you do and what you discover. I learn the most from what other people do. The good the bad and the ugly.
                When I opened the Empennage kit last year, a nice little freebie in the box was a copy of the 27 Years of the RVator. It literally is a treasure...
                John Snapp (Started build in Denver, CO) Now KAWO -Arlington Washington Bearhawk Patrol - Plans #255 Scratch built wing and Quickbuild Fuselage as of 11/2021. Working on skinning the left wing! -Ribs : DONE -Spars: DONE, Left wing assembly's: DONE., Top skins : DONE YouTube Videos on my building of patrol :


                • #9
                  Yay Chris, Dwayne, and Alan!! Visual progress is very satisfying and encouraging - go team!

                  Mark J


                  • #10
                    Nice work, way to go!
                    Dave Bottita The Desert Bearhawk
                    Project Plans #1299
                    N1208 reserved


                    • #11
                      Thanks :-) I can't wait to put together one of those rib-flange-straightener-doo-dad-thingies. I was dreading trying to figure out how to straighten those dumb things easily and repeatably.

                      Christopher Owens
                      Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
                      Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
                      Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


                      • #12
                        Good job Chris. Look forward to seeing more progress


                        • #13
                          Thanks Mark. I've been slowed down a bit as I remodel a basement bathroom (does this stuff ever end?). I'll be back on track soon, though!
                          Christopher Owens
                          Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
                          Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
                          Germantown, Wisconsin, USA

