After finding out this evening that all of my aileron ribs were destined for the scrap pile because of a lightening hole misplacement, I discovered that the aileron rib on the Mylar drawing (where I built the master and subsequent form blocks from) is an inch shorter than the aileron rib depicted on page 9B of the plans (where I took lightening hole diameters and center points from). Has anyone else had this issue, or is it possible that I got the Mylar drawing for a different model? I would guess this is something I need to talk to Bob about but wanted to reach out before bothering him again. Thanks!
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Model B Aileron Rib Length Discrepancy
I wouldn't worry about bothering Bob, it's his job, and your his customer. Before calling Bob, review the drawings carefully, make sure you have not missed anything. More then once I thought I found an error on a drawing sheet only to be proven wrong upon further review. As for rhe scrap pile, it takes a commitment to excellence to build a big ass scrap pile. Be proud of it.
Patrol #30
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