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Aileron Nose Rib

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  • Aileron Nose Rib

    It wasn't long ago that I had posted that I was going to start building a Patrol and leave my 4-place project. Long story short, after last weekend's flying with friends and family, I don't want to give up two seats so now I'm back on my 4-place project. In a previous visit with Phillip Johnson, he showed me that when the aileron is deflected up it causes drag on the lower portion. He had said this is something he would do different if he were to build again. I noticed that on my Patrol plans, this nose rib is shaped differently and it would keep this from happening. So the question is to those who have built the wings, would changing the shape of the aileron nose rib to a similar shape as the Patrol have any effect when it comes time to put it all together?
    Mike Sisk Neosho, MO

  • #2
    I would call and talk to Bob before doing that.


    • #3
      Isn't extra drag on the up aileron a good thing for reducing adverse yaw?


      • #4
        To follow up, I talked to Bob this morning and being that I already made the aileron nose ribs there is no sense in changing it. He said the reasoning for the difference in the Patrol is turbulence during full aileron deflection at speeds over 100mph. So this is needed more for aerobatics of which I am not interested in for the 4-place.
        Mike Sisk Neosho, MO

