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Airfoil elevator rib profile and thickness

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  • #16
    Good Afternoon, as I mentioned earlier that I was able to speak with Bob a couple of weeks ago and he said that his original intent was to call out T25 on the tube chart as .032 using 1020 or 1018 mild steel. Also on sheet 24B of the plans, the call out is .025 using 4130A. As it turns out I had already received an order of .025 4130A steel, so that is what I'll be using for the contoured ribs. It does seem rather odd that although many steel suppliers are advertising 1018 sheet steel available it really is not available.


    • #17
      I expect 1018 or 1020 would work harden noticeably more during forming the curved ribs due to the higher carbon content. Prob the 1008 would not be heat treatable for the same reasons-
      1020 should be somewhat stiffer when completed. I have some .025 4130 I may try for the horizonal ribs. On the other hand--- welding .032or .030 vs .025 ---- for me the .025 can be on the raw edge of my skill level using tig. and my torch skills are not as good. (havn't done OA much since I was in high school. and I have not been able to find a meco midget since
      the tinman passed- at least at a reasonable price )


      • #18
        Good thing I was able to obtain some 4130A, .025, from Aircraft Spruce so that is what I will be using for the profile ribs.

