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Possible horizontal stab. abrasive boot source

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  • Possible horizontal stab. abrasive boot source

    Aircraft Spruce, in the Cessna Parts section, lists Part Number 1232040-5 for a Boot at a cost of $105.95 each. A quick Google search shows that part number to be an abrasion boot for Cessna aircraft.

  • #2
    I have used 3M brand 20 mil black electrical tape with good success. Much cheaper and stays well on the horizontal stabilizer leading edge. Works well on lift strut leading edges, too.


    • #3
      Forgive me guys but what is the purpose of this? What rubs there that requires it?



      • #4
        The installation of this "boot" is to help prevent rock damage on this surface due to landing on gravel strips. when the brakes are applied during landing on gravel, the wheels spit out rocks that hit the stabilizer.


        • #5
          I gotcha. Thanks.


          • #6
            I have some 6" wide teflon chafe tape which I could use for this application - can you tell me does the damage take the form of scratches and gouges, or actually denting the stab leading edge?
            If there's dents, I might have to get some of this rubberised tape down the track, to provide a bit of "cushion" for incoming rocks.


            The Barrows Bearhawk: Who knew my wife could get jealous of a plane?


            • #7
              I had several dents in the stab leading edge tubes on my Maule when I was landing on gravel in Alaska. Some required patches when I recovered them. The fabric held up better than the steel, some cracks in the finish but no holes, because strikes on the fabric were glancing, not direct like on the leading edge.
              Last edited by rodsmith; 10-05-2020, 11:00 AM.

