Originally posted by jaredyates
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As far as the airliner part goes, it's actually quite common to be well overweight, but the official "weights" say you aren't. Standard summer weights are 190lbs and winter 195. That's you, your clothes and everything you carry on. Every checked bag weighs 30lbs regardless of what it weighs, unless it's over 50lbs, then it's 60lbs. So on a 200 seat aircraft(about 250,000lbs) you're looking at being over somewhere in the 5-10,000lb range. At the commuters we'd usually store our overnight bags in the lower cargo. If you were really close getting the last pax or a js on, we'd move the crew bags out of the lower cargo and into the cabin. Viola! They magically now weigh nothing. source - AC120-27E
It's a little better on the freighters since things are actually weighed, but in my experience cookie sheets are weighed inside. If it's raining, you're going to be a lot heavier than what the paper says.