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LSA at high DA

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  • LSA at high DA

    After a battle over medical it appears I am looking at LSA. I live in Denver area and 7-8k DA is common before even starting into the mountains. I worry that with the low HP engines further reduced by the environmental elements it might not be a good idea. Anyone have experience to share? I know a C-150 does not really “like” to fly here.

  • #2
    I haven't tested an LSA for those conditions. But Bob had some of the same questions about how well the LSA would do in the higher mountains. He took his LSA to some of his usual favorite places in Idaho and was pleased. I'm sure he'd be happy to talk with you about it on the phone if you can catch him.


    • #3
      From a post I made a few years ago not too long after I completed my scratch built.

      Yesterday met a group from the Mogollon Airpark at Holbrook, AZ for breakfast(about 1.5 hrs from FFZ). One of them is close to finishing a LSA from a kit so I gave him a ride. We stopped in Taylor AZ where I fueled to put us at the 1320 gross weight(me, my "roughly FAA standard passenger" and approximately 20 G of fuel) AWOS reported density altitude as 8K feet with calm winds. We broke ground well under 1,000' and was somewhere around 700' AGL by the time we crossed the departure end of the 7,000' runway.

      My plane weighs just under 800lbs empty and(at the time of that flight) had a stock 0-200 and a fine pitch Catto prop.

      Now I have high compression pistons on the 0-200 and a coarser prop(bumped cruise up from nominally from 105 to 115 MPH at the 2750 RPM point) with what appears to be about the same TO and climb performance.


      • #4
        Not a Bearhawk but is low horsepower, check out this Backcountrypilot thread:

