Yes, I spent a good hour in the hangar at French Valley where it’s located. No wings included. That’s gonna cost you mid $30k alone. A little bit of wiring and rigging work done. Covered in Stuart System. Rough in a few places and will need sanding to smooth out. Wind screen, engine mount, main gear, wheels and tires and tail feathers included. T3 tailwheel.
It is a float kit planes so doors on both sides which is nice. All doors and window frames. A stack of aluminum skins for wings included. I’ve got pics if you want to share your email. Send PM.
Mark Dickens Companion would be a better buy if you can talk him into letting it go now that he has pulled it from “for sale” status.
Thanks Mike. That’s kind of what I was looking for. A lot of the value in a fuselage kit is in the additional parts and it seems like it is complete. I’d just get a rib and spar kit from the factory and build the tanks and wings. Would most likely re do the fabric.
I’ve already have a scratch built Patrol flying and was kicking the can around looking for another project for the winter. He is quite a distance from me so thats another expense.
I appreciate the info. do fabric.... Thats what I was thinking. Use a Stewarts glue erasure to remove the glue from the tubing.
When I covered my fuselage I made a small error. Then again....and again... I felt stress after error #9 , so I researched the cost of starting over. Fabric cost was I think $160. No brainer. The peace that came over me when I started ripping it off made me smile.
I would also be weary of buying a partially completed kit. I just see a builder making an error that he cant fix loosing interest, then trying to recoup his lost by passing it on to an unsuspecting buyer. That I think is a real risk that is diffacult to navigate. In contrast the support one gets from Virgil by going with his kit has a lot of value.
Thanks Mike. That’s kind of what I was looking for. A lot of the value in a fuselage kit is in the additional parts and it seems like it is complete. I’d just get a rib and spar kit from the factory and build the tanks and wings. Would most likely re do the fabric.
I’ve already have a scratch built Patrol flying and was kicking the can around looking for another project for the winter. He is quite a distance from me so thats another expense.
I appreciate the info.
Steve W P203
This fuselage is a good one. I’m not sure where you guys got side tracked with redoing the fabric. It’s done well but just needs a bit of smoothing in a few spots. I’m sure a good deal can be had as he just wants it sold.
The owner built an RV and certainly knows what he is doing.