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What type of grease?

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  • What type of grease?

    I am assembling the flap handle, installing the rudder pedals, and control column.

    What type of grease are you using? I have white lithium, buy nothing aviation specific.

  • #2
    One data point for you. My first IA told me about Fluid Film almost 20 years ago. Been using it ever since. It's natural lanolin, non-toxic. This stuff has no solvent to evaporate so it wont gum up and it lasts a long time. I see parts still wet that I lube last annual. Plus it penetrates steel and might be an even better corrosion inhibitor than lubricant. I drilled 1/8" holes in those steel tube hinges to receive the fluid film. I apply it into the littl ehole with an oil can pump.
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build


    • TJ_Slice
      TJ_Slice commented
      Editing a comment
      I had never heard of it before. It's got great reviews everywhere. I ordered some, thanks.

  • #3
    I would recommend not lubricating anything until everything is fully painted.

