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Patrol Kit Builder Manual, January 2019 Status

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  • Patrol Kit Builder Manual, January 2019 Status

    As some of you might have been following in the 4-Place section, I have been working with Mark Goldberg over the past couple of years to develop instructional materials for building the Bearhawk planes from the QB Kit. This material is published at, which is also the website that houses the Beartracks newsletter archive. The kit manual section specifically is at

    The new content is not a page-by-page manual that you would print off and read from cover to cover. Instead, each task is published as its own little article, and those tasks are presented in a visual table of contents (map), which is here:

    This Patrol map is based on the 4-Place map. I've tried to skim through it and delete the sections that are not applicable to the Patrol, but there's one big problem, which is that I haven't built a Patrol. So that's where I'd like to request help from you. Is there a task that is required, but not on the map, or one that is not required that is on the map? Is the linked article in the purple box not applicable to the Patrol, such that we need to create a Patrol-specific article just about that task? Is the linked article otherwise lacking?

    If you have feedback, please send me a note via email ( and we'll add it to the queue of things to address. If you have photos of a step that would make the manual easier to use, those would be especially welcome also. All of these manuals are based on builder feedback, but the Patrol (and eventually LSA) versions are going to rely on builders other than me, even more than the 4-Place. If you have extra ideas to add, you can even post a comment right at the bottom of the article. If it needs more intervention, send me an email. It may take a little while before the change shows up, because of the vetting and editorial steps, but be assured it will be heard and likely implemented.

    Think of me less as the author and more as the coordinator or facilitator.

    The goal is to continuously streamline the process so that each new builder has an easier time than the last. If you find a bump in the road, please report it so that I can fix it.

  • #2
    You deserve all our gratitude Jared. I am at kit factory now but thought I might detail the parts of the Patrol that are different than 4 place. Wings are now identical in terms of the work required. If you do not consider the aux tanks that can be used on the 4 place although there is one Patrol builder who intends to install them.

    On the fuselage:
    1) the stick assy is totally different
    2) rudder pedals and cables are different
    3) elevator controlis with long pushrod and not cables
    4) hor stab struts are different
    5) cargo door is different.
    6) how seats mount is different. How front seat moves is different also
    7) how rear side windows are built and mounted is now the same in our current production, but both are different than original BH.
    8) fuselage formers, door & window sills used to be different but are now the same.
    9) Patrol comes set up for skylight. 4 place not so
    10) trim handle is different but mechanism is largely the same
    11) throttle control on side in Patrol. We are working on a "standard" mounting for this on side using a Baxter throttle quadrant.
    12) flap handle mounts different and flap cable runs differently

    That is all I can think of at the moment sitting here drinking my coffee. Really, these are very few items in the big scheme of things. Mark


    • #3
      When I click on mindmeister link I only get a very simple wing for chart. I'm suspicious that I am not doing something right.
      Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at 10.39.12 PM.png
      Attached Files
      Brooks Cone
      Southeast Michigan
      Patrol #303, Kit build


      • #4
        That problem is on my end Brooks, sorry! Please try the link again:

        Let me know if it still doesn't work.

