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Rear throttle for two door Patrol

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  • Rear throttle for two door Patrol

    I have returned to the building of my Patrol after I got delayed with a move and a house remodel. I promised my wife I would finish the house before I started working on the bearhawk again. I have the wings well along and have recently purchased the quickbuild fuselage kit from Mark. Just like all the steel parts I purchased for the wings, excellent quality.

    I purchased the fuselage with the dual doors and float fittings because I plan to eventually put it on floats. The two doors adds some challenges on adding a throttle to the back seat. Has anyone else out there put a rear throttle in a two door patrol? Any suggestions?
    John Snapp (Started build in Denver, CO) Now KAWO -Arlington Washington Bearhawk Patrol - Plans #255 Scratch built wing and Quickbuild Fuselage as of 11/2021. Working on skinning the left wing! -Ribs : DONE -Spars: DONE, Left wing assembly's: DONE., Top skins : DONE YouTube Videos on my building of patrol :

  • #2
    John, I think there was a discussion on this a few years ago where someone suggested running a Bowden cable under the doorsill to a quadrant up front.


    • N3UW
      N3UW commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Steve. I was also thinking of using a Bowden type cable. I am not sure I have room for a throttle quadrant with doors on both sides. I was also thinking two push pull cables connecting together at the carb with the friction lock on the pilot control.

  • #3
    I have the answer for you John but am away from home until tomorrow. I’ll get some pics up but think dual quadrants and a belcrank at the door post Heim joints allow the door to open


    • N3UW
      N3UW commented
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      I am looking forward to seeing this!!!

  • #4
    Hey John,
    I have no answer for you but excited to see your message. Welcome back!
    Scratch building Patrol #275
    Hood River, OR


    • N3UW
      N3UW commented
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      Hey Mark. Now there is another reason for you to come up and visit!

  • #5
    This one is built with both doors and a rear throttle. The door opens fine but pulls the throttle as it opens so we have a placard for 'Engine off for left door use'. Welded a stud for the bellcrank and moved the door opener lever forward. Baxter quadrants through Mark.
    Attached Files


    • N3UW
      N3UW commented
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      All I can say is WOW!!!! That is a fantastic way of doing it. I wonder if I could combine you idea of the door mounted quadrants with Steves idea of using a Bowden cable to attach from the front quadrant to run to the carb. Would that possibly deal with the door opening?

  • #6
    I went down that road and you may be able to make it work but I couldn't come up with an elegant way to make it work. These cables have a 8 or 10 inch section that does not flex much at the business ends and it pushed the front quadrant too far back to get to the flex portion. At least with the A700 type cable I'm using. A simple Bowden cable may work for that but I like the smooth action of these cables. It's not an area you want any slop or hysteresis.

