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Newton SPRL valve question

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  • Newton SPRL valve question

    I've been trying to contact Newton Consulting about their V1 fuel valve but the mailer daemon keep bouncing my email. The picture shows a fully seated orb fitting in their valve. These are the fittings that came with the kit and look exactly like what is sold for the valve on ACS. The o-ring is still visible where the cylinder of the body drops away from the fitting on either side and the compressed o-ring sits against the sharp edge of the machined port. Also, there doesn't seem to be a proper seat for the o-ring, rather it sits on the top thread
    of the port as far as I can tell. Each port looks the same - I can't see that there's a chamfered seat for the o-ring. I used EZ Turn as a lubricant for the o-ring. Installed one of the fittings and removed it and my o- ring was shredded in the process. I tried another fitting and carefully reinstalled it and took the picture here. This can't be right, right?​
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Any time an o-ring is poking out like that is a no bueno. I don't remember about mine, but don't remember having any problems installing the fittings. I looked at the Newton website and their PDF of the valve doesn't give any port dimensions like an engineering drawing, so no help there. Here are a few pics of my valve installation. I know it's not much help, but that's the best I can do.



    • #3
      Originally posted by alaskabearhawk View Post
      Any time an o-ring is poking out like that is a no bueno. I don't remember about mine, but don't remember having any problems installing the fittings. I looked at the Newton website and their PDF of the valve doesn't give any port dimensions like an engineering drawing, so no help there. Here are a few pics of my valve installation. I know it's not much help, but that's the best I can do.

      It seems your installation has a peeking o-ring also, though not as conspicuously as mine. Still can get no email through to Newton.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I copied your post and picture and sent it to Newton. On my gmail it didn’t get rejected. We’ll see what they have to say. It will probably be Monday or later I suppose. Fingers crossed!


        • #5
          Thank you so much, Paul. That's very kind of you. I learn a lot from your kitlog and your Youtube videos. I didn't get the 1st mailer-daemon error until 6 hours after I sent it. Very strange. I attached a pic of the port. Looks like an inhospitable place for an o-ring, doesn't it?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I do remember now cleaning up and polishing the edges a bit of my fuel valve after reading this post on the forum a few years back:

            Well I'm looking for some help again. Today was "put some fuel in the tanks" day. Put my Newton SPRL fuel valve in the OFF position and started adding fuel to the Left tank. I had disconnected the line at the inlet of the carb in prep for a flow test. Didn't take long and fuel started to come out the disconnected

            Also, Van's forum has some comments:


            • #7
              I had similar situation. More info to follow in a day or so.
              Kevin D.


              • #8
                I received a reply from Newton Consulting this morning:

                Hi Paul,

                Sorry to hear of your issue.

                This is unusual and the fitting should seat into the valve body better than your picture suggests.
                I have attached a photo of our current stock and there is a minute gap between fitting and valve body but the seal is barely visible.
                The fittings can be screwed in with a little fuel resistant sealant but not on the O-ring seal itself.
                We rarely have problems with these, and I would be happy to send a replacement valve/fitting?

                Best regards

                ROBERT SELBY




                • #9
                  So a couple of takeaways for podo: Don’t lube the o-ring. The factory fitting picture looks like the edges are relieved and polished. The factory is responsive to help resolve the issue. Something is goofy with your email client.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by alaskabearhawk View Post
                    So a couple of takeaways for podo: Don’t lube the o-ring. The factory fitting picture looks like the edges are relieved and polished. The factory is responsive to help resolve the issue. Something is goofy with your email client.
                    You're awesome.


                    • #11
                      I was unaware of the long thread in the Bearhawk group on this subject and will say that commentary is similar to my experience with the O-Ring and fitting and valve were / are.
                      I was not sure if mine was a "Monday Special" or what but it looks like mine was in the family of consistent medocracy, purchased mine about 8 years ago.......
                      That said I like the valve. Keep in mind it is British........... : )

                      Couple points not covered.

                      1. Lube or no lube I could not get the O-Ring to become "Invisible". Always ended up cut after tightening, never obtained circumferential metal to metal contact.outside the O-Ring.

                      2. The Left, Right, Both, Off was a bit whimsical. When in OFF the outlet was closed but the Left and Right were connected allowing crossfeed flow. If selecting OFF because of parking on an incline the fuel in the high tank will gravitate towards the low tank..............

                      3. Close examination of the flow passage from the inboard fitting end to and through the Port Plate was a bit restricted and tortuous... Lots of pressure drop.

                      My solution was to machine an entire new inlet cap, improve the flow passage, properly seal the fittings and re orientate the Port Plate such that Left, Right, Both, Off, all function in a discrete fashion with "OFF" shutting both Left and Right in total isolation. Fuel Flow is in excess of 80 GPH when delivering fuel from "BOTH".

                      Kevin D



                      • #12
                        Looking at my valve, I would be concerned about the O-rings sealing as well, but it may do fine with the sealant. I haven't tried tightening down one of the fittings all the way yet. I just received my valve in January of this year. Mine is going in an LSA so it doesn't have as great of a requirement for fuel flow. I think I will check it though to see if it functions the same in the OFF position as AZBearhawk272 describes.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          FWIW I checked mine. In the OFF position the left and right do not crossfeed.


                          • #14
                            For the fuel valves, I am a big believer is Loctite 565 thread sealant and Loctite 135286 primer when both surfaces are aluminum. It is amazing technology where it will seal non NPT threads and will not leak. I first stated using it 15 years ago when air wolf included it with their remote oil filters. It will seal under pressure even on hand tight and loose fitting threads. It is also easy to remove later on if you need to.

                            you do not need the o ring on the fitting if you use this thread sealant. Make sure to keep it back 2-3 threads from the inside of the fitting and DO NOT USE on flare end!

                            Loctite PST Strength 565 Thread...

                            Loctite 135286 Primer, 1.75 oz,...
                            Last edited by N3UW; 05-16-2023, 10:21 PM.
                            John Snapp (Started build in Denver, CO) Now KAWO -Arlington Washington Bearhawk Patrol - Plans #255 Scratch built wing and Quickbuild Fuselage as of 11/2021. Working on skinning the left wing! -Ribs : DONE -Spars: DONE, Left wing assembly's: DONE., Top skins : DONE YouTube Videos on my building of patrol :


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by N3UW View Post
                              For the fuel valves, I am a big believer is Loctite 565 thread sealant and Loctite 135286 primer when both surfaces are aluminum. It is amazing technology where it will seal non NPT threads and will not leak. I first stated using it 15 years ago when air wolf included it with their remote oil filters. It will seal under pressure even on hand tight and loose fitting threads. It is also easy to remove later on if you need to.

                              you do not need the o ring on the fitting if you use this thread sealant. Make sure to keep it back 2-3 threads from the inside of the fitting and DO NOT USE on flare end!

                              Loctite PST Strength 565 Thread...

                              Loctite 135286 Primer, 1.75 oz,...
                              I'm a big Fan of Loctite 569. It is what Continental calls out in their service manual for the fuel injection plumbing.

                              I don't like the paste type on fuel systems as it could cause contaminates floating around.

