Has anyone assembled a tubing list for the Companion yet? I have started to put one together, but don’t feel the need to re-invent the wheel if it has already been done. Thanks, Dan.
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Tubing list for the Companion
We have two Patrols under construction and wrapped primary welding on both fuselages this past November. I suspect the Companion is pretty similar to the Patrol, so here's what I did:
- Using the VR3 Patrol Seaplane version of the fuse tubing kit doc, I cut and pasted the tube data (which includes length) into an Excel spreadsheet
- Usual 'tubes times number x length' to come up with trimmed gross tube length, then multiply by 25% to get actual 'buy this' length.
You will have to adjust lengths based on the plan's flat layouts for the top and bottom, but sides may just be a case of verifying tube diameter and placement... a bit of a shortcut versus developing the full cutting list. Unfortunately the Patrol Seaplane kit is the only full fuse list with tubing lengths, so some work to be done on tail feather, landing gear, and engine mount.
Have heard the the VR3 tubing kits are well fitted, but have not had the chance to see a tubing kit close-up. Lots of time coping tubing might make that additional cost worth it, but also less fun if you actually like scratch building.
Mmm... Companion and Patrol are same length and same cabin floor length. If I had to guess as to the 200 lb increase in MGW for Companion, it looks like a combo of better CG control and higher allowable cargo load in what is the aft seat area of the Patrol. Someone want
to post the Companion flat layout for top and bottom frames and the tubing schedule?
The Companion is built in the 4-Place jjg at the factory, as I understand it.
I would not doubt it. The issue is whether the frame station spacing is identical on the Companion and Patrol (and the 4B), hence the request for the Companion top and bottom flat layouts, tubing schedule, and perhaps a side view. Given Bob's penchant to reuse as much as possible from the previous airplane, I suspect there's changes in the top and bottom frames across all three airplanes related to the length and schedule changes of the fuse tubing due to cabin width. Makes getting out a tubing table similar to the VR3 stuff pretty easy for all three airplanes if so. And while we are at it, maybe capture other tubing BOM schedules of interest to scratch-builders such as gear, tail feathers, and engine mount. Plus it's fun when I can do some actual engineering, which gets kind of sparse for any aero with more than a half dozen years or so on that career track. Every now and again, you get the desire to pull out Bruhn and see if the HP still fires up.
I am working on a patrol.
If possible buy tubing in long lengths. I planed my trip to Oshkosh so that I could stop at wicks. I plan all of my vacations around detours for either wicks or aircraft spruce.
Aircraft spruce now has a location in Tx. Old threads mention other locations that sell tubing some may no longer exist.
Buying tubing is not just about the length but also the what piece is cut from which tube length.
for example This is how I am cutting my T14 . This diagram does not include empennage T14.
Austin Tx
Dan, it really doesn't take that long to sit down with your plans and an engineers scale to come up with a tubing list that you know is correct. If purchasing somewhere that you can pick up from, buy full lengths of tubing when possible, they are usually cheaper per foot. And do add a percentage for mistakes, cutting errors etc.
Worth planning out the cutting list for yield, and remember that all the stand-offs and sheet metal needs to be ordered as well. Think about including the stringers due to shipping costs, although mine are ash versus aluminum for ease of repair and suitable stuff for milling and finishing wood in my shop. With care in stock selection, long scarfs, and 2K exterior varnish, a better, cheaper solution than the lighter extrusions currently available.