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Dreams do come true

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  • Dreams do come true

    Great news with the development of the Bearhawk 5 (great name BTW)

    Cigars all around

    Wanted to congratulate Bob Barrows, Mark Goldberg, prototype builder Colin Campbell and the protype pilot Rollie Va Dorn. With Jared Yates doing continuing flight testing.

    This sort of collaboration just would not be possible any where else. Shows the positive energy of the Bearhawk community.

    The walk around video was very well done, great work on Jared’s part

    Great job guys

    when the plans are out i’m In .... can’t wait


    Last edited by way_up_north; 06-21-2020, 01:49 PM.

  • #2
    Having trouble waiting. Does anybody know when the plans might be available? Or if there’s a sign up list?



    • #3
      Originally posted by Felpel View Post
      Having trouble waiting. Does anybody know when the plans might be available? Or if there’s a sign up list?

      I share your pain...

      I asked this same question last week in general..nobody posted...I dont want to bother Bob...but if no word ...then I`m going to call him next week and see what the roll out for the plans is....

      if anyone knows anything...please post...



      • #4
        You could probably start on the wings without delay.


        • #5
          Originally posted by svyolo View Post
          You could probably start on the wings without delay.
          if you have plans that have the Bravo wings...then you are good to go on the wings....

          I`ve made changes to the spar and ribs to streamline scratch building construction...that Bob gave the ok to.....but that was for the 4 place...with a lower gross

          I didnt want to pepper Bob with a ton of questions...until after the release of the plans...


          • #6
            Bob told me yesterday that he was thinking of not releasing the Model 5 plans until the kit factory has made the first batch of kits. "This winter" is what he said. His intention in doing this is to let the experienced guys at the kit factory find any issues with the plans before releasing them to plans builders.

            The wings for the Model 5 kits will all have the one piece cap strips, and the drawings will have them also. That's obviously not what the prototype's wings have so Bob might show some flexibility there. It would be something to discuss with Bob. Mark


            • way_up_north
              way_up_north commented
              Editing a comment
              Thanks for the update...The new spar is a great addition...