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BearHawk 5 school of construction

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  • For confirmation and clarity. Do they add 18" per side more than the stock tips? Is the total wingspan 3 feet longer than with the stock tips? They don't look that long.

    Other possibilities are that they extend 18" beyond the bare wing or they are 18" long but don't quite extend the span from the bare tip that far because there is overlap on the tip rib.


    • Sir Newton
      Sir Newton commented
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      For confirmation & clarity
      I have never seen a stock tip. So I can not speak to that. However, Yes they add full 18" measured at the leading edge. Not counting the engagement onto the wing. So that is a full 36" to the overall wing span.
      Last edited by Sir Newton; 11-16-2022, 10:59 AM.

    • kestrel
      kestrel commented
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      Cool! For comparison, my original round (alpha?) 4 place tips add about ~7 1/2 inches to the side span per side. That would make your tips 10+ inches per side longer. The Hoerner tip is also a superior shape to the stock round ones.

    • Sir Newton
      Sir Newton commented
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      I was also going to say that in one of my pictures there is a 4ft level on top of the wing. You can use that as a measuring stick to verify how big those tip really are.

  • Hey ya all, 2023 is almost here & I am not flying my BearHawk as planned back in July of 2020. All though it has been a good year for being evolved in aviation. I got distracted with the purchase of a Mustang 2. Of course the mustang needed work so I had to get that done & then learn to fly it 18hrs & 105 lands & take offs now. My 1st conventional gear airplane, it lands at 80mph 60% power. You land it like your trapping on a aircraft carrier. Needless to say I now consider myself a fully checked out tail wheel pilot. However always room for improvement. The BH Model B wings are both very close to completion now. I really want to make the BH a priority. I am getting set up to fit & weld the fuselage. Being a welder by trade this is very much my wheel house. Posted some pictures of my ailerons & flaps mounted on the LH wing. I was pleased with the trailing edges lining up nearly perfectly. Bob sure did a good job of the wings prints. Follow his measurements & all works out great. Ok that is it for my rambling. C ya sometime. Cheers
    Attached Files


    • Greetings, We are making big plans to attend 2023 SUN n FUN !!
      Yesterday I completed the fitting & tacking stage on my BH5 lower frame. I used a hydraulic bender to make the bends up to the tail section. Drilled #20 communication holes between every tube on both ends. Through a quick down hand MIG pass on the covered sides of each joint. Everything went really smoothly. With a close inspection you may be able to pick out some mods. Starting the upper frame today & Looking forward to the end of March.
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      This gallery has 7 photos.


      • Greetings to the builders who follow my online ramblings. It was a good week for the BH5 project. Got to work & tacked up the upper frame with some added personality. Next we tear apart the cheap 7/16 OSB table & fabricate a quick jig using the horses to mate these halves together. Yes I somehow forgot OR plan old missed ordering tubing for Station "O" I need to fire the project manager. It has been ordered & I was promised a cost effective speedy delivery. lol :-( Posted some pictures for the curious observers. Sharing is caring freinds. Sun N Fun 2023 I will be the guy with the smile on my face.
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        This gallery has 4 photos.


        • Today was going to be a putz around tear down my make shift layout table, drink beer & clean the hangar day. I promptly got very side tracked with cleaning & through together a down & dirty fuselage jig. I only roughly lined up the upper & lower frames. Quickly realizing how big the BH5 cabin is going to be. It is massive! The weather in northern Alberta is turning for the worst so I will be able to dial the two frames in & mate them up. Then we will be rolling rolling. Welding that is :-) cheers
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          This gallery has 4 photos.


          • Sir Newton
            Sir Newton commented
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            If figured I would just add a comment about this really shoddy frame mating JIG turned out.
            It is working surprisingly awesome. I fiddled around getting everything leveled up & centered up. took a couple of hours & everything is inside of 2mm of error. I set the tail post & then finished cutting & copping vertical T-9 tubes for H-J, & G-K

        • Originally posted by Sir Newton View Post
          With a close inspection you may be able to pick out some mods. Starting the upper frame today & Looking forward to the end of March.
          I'm not able to pick up your modifications, but am curious what they are.
          Brooks Cone
          Southeast Michigan
          Patrol #303, Kit build


          • Originally posted by Bcone1381 View Post

            I'm not able to pick up your modifications, but am curious what they are.
            I will leave it to him to provide the details if he so desires but I would say Sir Newton is planning to maximize the cargo area and payload ;)

            I was able to spot as least some of them since I also have BH5 plans but they are subtle changes that would be difficult to otherwise pick out.
            Last edited by Redneckmech; 02-21-2023, 09:26 AM.
            Bill Duncan
            Troy, Idaho
            Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
            N53BD - reserved


            • Sir Newton
              Sir Newton commented
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              No official comment ;-)

          • Really nice pictures your progress , appreciate you taking the time to post​​​​​​ them


            • To echo way_up_north, keep on posting! Seeing your progress has helped me stay focused on my project and I have enjoyed spotting the subtle changes that you have implemented.
              Bill Duncan
              Troy, Idaho
              Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
              N53BD - reserved


              • Sir Newton
                Sir Newton commented
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                That is the main purpose. I call it cheerleading ourselves on.

            • Greetings Bearhawkers, I am posting a couple of pictures of a pattern I built for BH5 firewall, yes kind of boring. But I have the file saved now. Basicly I scanned the print into CAD and upscaled the print to real life scale 1/1 & printed it our on a 36" plotter printer. Today I am finishing off the last of the fusealge general fitting station C-S. & Then over the weekend I am planning to setup to weld my fusalge out. cheers to everyone :-)
              Attached Files


              • triumphantduke
                triumphantduke commented
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                how good are those welds gonna be? ;)

              • Sir Newton
                Sir Newton commented
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                They will be marvalous :-)
                Good to hear from ya Mr Duke

            • Celebrate with me. Just like that ! My imagination gets the better of me & I find myself making airplane nosies. lol :-)
              Started Jan 2023 finshed main fusalge fitting May 28. Took 1 month off for traveling & attanding Sun N Fun.
              Now the grunt work begins. Welding this construction out. Welding is NOT my favorite task :-(
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Sir Newton; 05-28-2023, 08:26 PM.


              • RickG
                RickG commented
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                You're getting it done, you can show it off to me in Florida in March! Way to go Nat

            • Great photo !
              Nev Bailey
              Christchurch, NZ

     - Safety & Maintenance Notes
              YouTube - Build and flying channel
              Builders Log - We build planes


              • Greetings to the good men of this forum.
                Nearly 12 months to the day. I have started back on the BH5 fuselage project. Welding has officially started. Yay ! ! ! If there's one thing in life I could do without is welding. Posted some not so super secret pictures of my fuselage :-) Feel free to ask what ever questions you may be curious about.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Sir Newton; 05-11-2024, 08:25 PM.


                • Originally posted by Sir Newton View Post
                  Greetings to the good men of this forum.
                  Nearly 12 months to the day. I have started back on the BH5 fuselage project. Welding has officially started. Yay ! ! ! If there's one thing in life I could do without is welding. Posted some not so super secret pictures of my fuselage :-) Feel free to ask what ever questions you may be curious about.
                  Hell yeah brother! Glad to see you are back at it!
                  Bill Duncan
                  Troy, Idaho
                  Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
                  N53BD - reserved


                  • Hello fellow BearHawkers . . . . Welding has got to be the most boring task of building a BH . . . However I am starting on D-N frame working towards the firewall . . .I am finished tailpost , H-J , G-K , E-M . May be safe to say 55%. There is alot of welding left yet.
                    Best Regards to everyone.

