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Questions About Fuselage Tab Intentions and Wing Parts Delivered

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  • Questions About Fuselage Tab Intentions and Wing Parts Delivered

    -Would anyone know/point me I the right direction on the intention and use of the tabs on the fuselage behind flap cable fairleads (I don’t think it was part of the first Bearhawk 5 kits) could be a method to mount inboard flap fairings, but would like to know
    -Does this delivered wing outboard end pocket rib looks right(holes don’t line up) or if it’s used somewhere else
    -where/how is this flap or aileron rib is used? Part of inboard flap fairing? Part of support to wing tip?

    Thank you!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by triumphantduke; 08-26-2024, 08:19 PM.

  • #2
    Ah okay nevermind on items 2 and 3 - they make sense now. Just needed to noodle a little more on it. But if anyone knows about those fuselage tabs that would help me sleep better at night
    Last edited by triumphantduke; 08-26-2024, 08:21 PM.


    • #3
      Is the wing tip rib installed aft of the aft spar? I'm scratch-building two Patrols with another builder, and one of the commonsense mods to Bob's plans was cutting the tip rib at the rear spar for storage and eventual permanent mounting in the wing tip. Maybe check the QB wing's tip rib to see if that rib is your aft-of-aft spar closeout rib. Lack of lightening holes would suggest it is either inboard and mounted to the fuse or outboard and mounted to the aft spar or directly to the wing tip.
      Last edited by SpruceForest; 08-27-2024, 05:09 AM.


      • #4
        Yes, so the pocket and the rib (question points 2 and 3) attach to each other then the extra set of rib pilot holes merry up to the tab at the outboard trailing end of the wing
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Originally posted by triumphantduke View Post
          Ah okay nevermind on items 2 and 3 - they make sense now. Just needed to noodle a little more on it. But if anyone knows about those fuselage tabs that would help me sleep better at night
          If you ever figure out those tabs, I would also sleep better lol.


          • #6
            I believe they exist so you can attach your inboard flap fairing to the fuselage.

            There is one part of the Patrol that is not too well documented in the plans. It is the inboard side of the flap where it abuts the fuselage. You need one

            The link above proceeds the announcement of the Modle B. Back then the Modle A was just "The Four Place Bearhawk" with a different wing and flap configuration. Today, the Patrol, Bravo, and Five have similar wing, flap and fuselage joints.

            The photo below is a handy example of how Donna and Dennis elegantly treated this area. The pink arrow in the screen shot points to the inboard edge of the flap hidden under the fairing to help visualize this building task.

            Edit, a word of caution. A Patrol flap closes in on its fuselage when it is extended so if the gap is too tight when its retracted it will contact the side window. I have no knowledge if this is an issue with the Four Place and Five.
            Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 7.35.43 AM.png
            Last edited by Bcone1381; 09-11-2024, 07:10 AM.
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • #7
              Thank you!

