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Patrol QB in Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)

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  • Patrol QB in Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)

    I have been wanting to build an airplane since I was 16, and my girlfriend's father introduced me to the EAA. He was a pilot (Cessna 206 with Robertson STOL mods), and was building a Sonerai 2L in his garage. I flew a good bit with him, and loved every minute of it.

    I became an Army Chief Warrant Officer (helicopter instructor pilot) with Commercial Instrument rating in Helicopters. I then pursued my Private and Commercial ASEL ratings. I quit flying for financial reasons when the kids were born, but never lost my dream to utile my own airplane. Now, with the kids grown, and off the financial dole (college, etc.), I resumed flying, and found that I still enjoy it as much as ever. Bought an airplane, but never lost the desire to build my own.

    Fast forward to last year, when I started hearing about Bob Barrows designs. When I saw the Patrol 2-seater, I realized immediately that I'd found the airplane I wanted to build. I may not ever get to Alaska to land on sand bars, etc., but I will get to explore every grass field I come across! The safety margin of low stall speed, short field capability, while still maintaining reasonable cross-country speeds, makes this a great airplane for me, and the nearly 1000-lb useful load in a 2-place plane is simply phenomenal. Add to that the wide cabin (as wide as some low-end 2-place side-by-side designs), ample leg room, and comfortable seats, and it's a winning package.

    I'm looking forward to starting Mark's Quick-build Kit very soon, with the stretch goal of flying it to OSH for Airventure 2017. That might be a bit of a challenge, but I plan to enjoy the journey, and if we don't make OSH 2017, we'll be there someday!
    Jim Parker
    Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
    RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)

  • #2
    Hey Jim...welcome to the group! When were you at Mother Rucker for flight school?


    • JimParker256
      JimParker256 commented
      Editing a comment
      I was there in 1978, then went back in 1981 for the IP Course. My wife still loves Alabama, and has idyllic memories of our tiny (800 square feet) duplex in Enterprise. The statue of the Boll Wevil in particular...
      Last edited by JimParker256; 08-13-2015, 07:06 AM.

  • #3
    We are starting our builds at the same time and we dont live too far away (I actually used to live in Dallas). Lets fly formation to OSH 2017!
    Steve Nicholson
    Lafayette, LA

    4 Place Scratch build #1377 in progress (Wings)


    • JimParker256
      JimParker256 commented
      Editing a comment
      Sounds like a plan! Here's hoping both of us are able to do that!

  • #4
    Welcome Jim from another Army rotorhead. Retired CW4 building a 4 place. Terry.


    • #5
      Was there in 76-77, Yellow Flight 76-43. Was also back in 82 for Advanced Course and 'hook transition. Small world...


      • #6
        UH-1 qual - '82: AH-1 qual - '88: AH-64 qual - '89: CH-47 qual - 2001. Afghanistan 2004 - 2005 - AH-64.


        • #7

          plans build p284 patrol
          Austin tx 200+ miles away.

          working on spar presently.

          stan timmerman
          Austin Tx


          • #8
            Some interesting trivia... I was assigned to B Troop, 2/10 CAV at Ft. Ord, CA (now closed, but used to be right next to Monterrey). This was in the early '80s when the Army was doing the acceptance testing on the AH-64. They brought a couple of them up from Culver City (Hughes plant) to Ft. Hunter-Ligett (our field training area) to conduct some acceptance testing. They tapped my unit for pilots to participate in the testing. One of my buddies spent a couple of weeks testing the Chain Gun. Another got to test the Hellfire missile system. Another was stationed down there for almost 6 months to validate the maintenance programs.

            When it was my turn to go, I was all excited, wondering what cool stuff I would get to do... Got there, learned that I would be confirming the aircraft's ability to operate in the "Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical" warfare environment.

            "Uh, oh..."

            Yep, I got to fly around in full MOPP-4 gear while the doctors monitored my core body temperature. You know how they monitor your core body temperature? They insert a rectal thermometer with a wire to a telemetry unit so they could keep tabs on me... Can you spell NOT FUN! Got to spend two weeks, flying 6+ hours in MOPP-4 gear doing this!

            All day long, I kept hearing my Drill Sergeant's advice ringing in my ears: "Never volunteer for ANYTHING!"
            Jim Parker
            Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
            RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


            • #9
              So how'd the testing go?

              Scratch building Patrol #275

              Scratch building Patrol #275
              Hood River, OR

