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New member - 4 place builder

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  • New member - 4 place builder

    Hi all,

    New member so I’d like to introduce myself to the BH community. I’m an Australian corporate pilot based in Hong Kong who’s keen to start a project.

    After finally getting to see a real Bearhawk 4 place (not just online) at Oshkosh and having had time to meet and chat with the great man Mark Goldberg, I’ve decided that the BH 4 place is certainly the one for me. Having had a demo flight confirmed what I already had heard and knew, the 4 place is an extremely capable and robust airplane that would be immense fun to have!

    I’m targeting to commence in early 2020 with a QB kit so I look forward to chatting with all of you and sharing info so that we can all learn.

    I was an an airline mechanic in a previous life but have been off the tools for over 15 years but am sure that the skills will return with practice!

    Thanks in advance for your future help and support with this project.

    Cheers, Dave

  • #2
    Hi Dave,

    welcome aboard mate, there's not many of us Australians here yet, but we're growing in number and one day we'll take over the world.

    Congrats on deciding on building a bearhawk!
    I see that you're a pilot, but don't worry mate, with a bit of help you should still be able to build something that flies.

    Actually, this forum is probably the best part of building a bearhawk - you'll meet lots of great people who go out of their way to share their knowledge and put you on the right track.
    I'm about 6-12 months further down the road from you, building a QB 4 place, and I'm very grateful for the help I've received from everyone from Mark down.
    I'm hoping one day that I can help out the next bloke.

    Where are you based?
    Come visit me in Nowra, New South.

    And keep your head down over there in Hong Kong mate, I think the whole joint is about to tank!

    The Barrows Bearhawk: Who knew my wife could get jealous of a plane?


    • #3
      Hi Dave,
      I’m currently HK based too (DB), but will build in NZ. I’m in a similar position as yourself, and plan to start mid 2020 - maybe sooner if they roll those tanks over the border!
      Wish I had your mechanic background, but I’m learning a lot from the forum meanwhile.
      Last edited by Nev; 08-16-2019, 04:25 AM.
      Nev Bailey
      Christchurch, NZ - Safety & Maintenance Notes
      YouTube - Build and flying channel
      Builders Log - We build planes


      • #4
        G’day James and Nev,

        Thanks for the warm welcome and I certainly look forward to interacting together during our BH projects. Key to this going well is the support & info we share here!

        Initially I’ll be building it in Texas full time for a few months then eventually moving it to my hangar in Benalla VIC.

        All good here here in Hk. The chaos has had a positive that the flights are now less full / cheaper and the city is less crowded with less tourists. Yep just got to keep our heads down for a while and stay out of trouble.

        James thanks for the offer to visit, I’ll definitely take you up on that!

        Nev I’m in Kennedy Town. Will keep in touch and maybe we can have a beer someday and chat Bearhawks!

        Cheers, Dave

